Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Exits: Republicans Feel Betrayed By Party" Gee. Whoda thunk it.

Super Tuesday 3 exit polls: Economic worries, feeling of GOP betrayal dominate

Look, the Establishment at all levels have been utterly worthless primarily for one simple reason:

These scum aren't interested in acting on behalf of the people.

They are, instead, interested only in acting for themselves.

They fear losing their position and their power.  Period.

Look at the CCRINO movement.

Started by a petulant, narcissistic psycho, pissed off because the local GOP saw thru her bullshit and endorsed her Republican opponent in the primary in the 49th... were no Republican can come close to winning.

That caused her head to explode and so, out of a fit of pique, she's said about to destroy the local GOP; get democrats like Boldt elected, and get the RINOs back in charge of the local GOP.

But that, of course, has nothing to do with what the people want; after all, none of those they elected give a rat's ass about the wants of the people when those wants conflict with their leftist agenda.

Stop and think for a minute: why do so many leftists support the acts of the CCRINOs and the candidates they support?

Out of some political altruism?

Or because they've concluded, rightfully, that the CCRINOs are doing the dirty work for them and they don't even have to lift a finger?

So, what are the CCRINOs doing?

Everything they can to reassert control over the local party apparatus, using the same tired faces with the same tired platitudes devoted to keeping the job while they ignore us.

And at the national level, Congress has been less than worthless, lying all the while about what they would do if we just put aside their obvious RINOism and just vote them into office.

For example, Obamacare would be a thing of the past.

And how has that worked out for us?

The deficit has climbed past NINETEEN TRILLION DOLLARS.

Nineteen TRILLION.

And did the last budget, passed by the GOP controlled Congress reduce the deficit at ALL?


Of course the voters feel betrayed.  *I* feel betrayed... and it's why I will NEVER vote for the settle-for-candidate... or a RINO candidate... or a so-called moderate... or an incumbent who violated their pre-election promises only to betray us once we gave them the job.

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