Wednesday, March 09, 2016

If Ted Cruz is so conservative… Then why did Karly Fiorina and Jeb Bush's brother Neil just endorse him?

We've been hearing it for months now, that Ted Cruz is the only real conservative running.

Yet, Ted wins less than half as much as Trump and has yet to receive a single endorsement for many sitting senator.

Why is that?

Cruz was have voted off my island a few weeks back when his campaign acknowledged dirty tricks against Dr. Ben Carson.  Those efforts didn't stop there as those paying attention already know.

Instead of stepping up and taking responsibility for these things, Cruz always blames it on somebody else within his campaign.

I get that this can happen once without the candidate's knowledge, although when it's your own communications director involved in this jujitsu I find that difficult but not impossible to believe.


But a second and third time?

Ultimately, I understand the #NeverTrump crowd, which includes pretty much the entirety of the Republican National Committee, would rather dive into a vat of boiling lava than vote for or support someone they cannot control. And rest assured ladies and gentlemen, this is about who they think they can control.

Trump, on the surface at least, appears to be refusing to take their money, or their expertise. And I can understand that, since anyone the Trump would have working for him from the RNC would simply act as a pipeline to the RNC for purposes of keeping Trump from getting the nomination.  I can also understand that based on their abysmal record of success in recent presidential races.

So why, all of a sudden, is Karly Fiorina and Neil Bush (of all people… With the exception of being George and Jeb Bush's brother… Who is he and what has he done of note?) endorsing Cruz?  Coincidence?

The reality is what we're seeing here is yet another episode of people getting involved in a situation that's none of their business and out of their control.

The bottom line is the RNC could care less what the Republican base has to say; I have been urging the establishment to co-opt Trump's positions for months now… Instead of running away holding their heads in a horror of it all.  And these two are yet another flailing effort by the RNC to get someone... anyone in there that they can control to any extent.

How many times have we heard the deathknell for Donald Trump? More than I can count. And every time the same people who wish he was gone have been proven wrong. Remember ladies and gentlemen  I have no dog in this fight. I recognize that because we're not going to be allowed to vote until May, the situation is likely going to be long since decided… If, for example, Trump were to win both Ohio and Florida next Tuesday with their winner take all provisions, nobody else could possibly take him out.

The irony of all of this is that every time the establishment/RNC attemopt to kill Trump (politically or otherwise) they're simply playing directly into his hands and buttressing the argument that they're so totally out of touch that they need to have daylight piped into them through a sewer hose.

The national establishment has the same stench as the local establishment. The former predicts that they will soon be out of power, while the latter is out of power. The end result is that for them to keep or regain power there is no lie they will not tell, no exaggeration they will not use, no defamation they will not engage in, and absolutely no concern for the base that put conservatives in control of local government from the get-go.

Their reality is that they would rather lose at both the local and national level then unify with those they loath. Because they simply do not understand that they lack the luxury of making political decisions based on emotion. Those that do such a thing, do so at their own peril.

And like many in the base,  I refuse to vote for the "settle for" candidate.

What's most ironic of all is that all of this is their own fault. They sold us all a bill of goods to get their candidates elected; we gave them control of Congress (both the House and the Senate) as well as the Washington State Senate.

And what did we get for their promises?


Lie stacked upon lie.  Promise stacked upon promise.  And what happened?

Not a damned thing.

And that, in my opinion, is why their candidates are going nowhere... and why their efforts to get an establishment candidate elected are doomed to fail.

They know that, of course.  But they don't care.

Which brings us back to the ever-increasingly-apparent Establishment flavor-of-the-week... Ted Cruz.

Cruz would cheerfully sell his cute little kids for Establishment support... or any other support, for that matter.

And that's the thing: clearly, these endorsements are an imprompteur from the Establishment for the formerly hated Cruz.

Why?  Why the shift?

Well, I've got my ideas.  The rest is up to you.

But if Cruz WERE the "essential" conservative, he'd tell these people "thanks but no thanks."

"You weren't around when it mattered... I'm not going to be your bitch now." 

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