Sunday, July 07, 2013

Wonder where Lou and the pit yorkie went?

One of the many facets of the democratian is their intellectual cowardice, specifically that on the part of The BB Boys, Lou Beavis and John Butthead.

For years, this slimy duo has been lying to us about the CRC Scam, exaggerating, leaving out information damaging to their vision, attacking those wise enough to disagree with their peculiar, "bend over the county and stick it to them" attitude.

Beavis has been particularly vicious, attacking those who cannot respond in kind (Well, except for me, anyway) when he undergoes a fit of pique and decides he, once again, is going to play the role of asshole.

Butthead has done anything and everything he can to further drive the democratian into bankruptcy, because he can't use facts to support his "screw you" positions, so the garbage he's been troweling out is all he's got.

Their pet project, designed to damage this community for the next 5 decades or more, has been blown to pieces.

Rightfully.  Justifiably.  Correctly.

And not a peep out of either of these dillwads at the destruction of their "peculiar institution?"

You'd THINK they'd be all over it.  After all, there's so much to snivel about like that punk Molehill or Identity Vancouver Guy or Cleveland Sucks (As opposed to "rocks") or that moron running the Chamber of Horrors... you know the type.

Out here in the community, saved from those horrors, we are, of course, waiting with baited breath at what the BB Boys have to say... about how wrong we are, how this community will die, how a gas station won't open up in Clark County now because the CRC is DOA.

I want to see how those idiots beat on the crowd who tried to warn them, tried to get this thing changed, tried to get a vote, tried to get rid of light rail or any of the other things that would have made this rip off acceptable to the people.

Because they don't care what we want or need.

Like any other 2 year olds, they want what they want.  And like 2 year olds, they hate to be told "no."

Well, these two have heard it by now.  And they don't seem to have much to say.

How weird is that?


Jack said...

They're off somewhere enjoying nervous breakdowns.

George B said...

They probably got beaten up pretty badly by the publisher, Scott Campbell. I'm sure the libtards blame the paper for failing to B.S. this thing past the community.

Lew said...

Agreed, it is very suspect now that Laird isn't blasting the "Ankle biting" "Hounds of Whinerville" "BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything)" "Cock Roaches" he so effortlessly wasted much ink denigrating before.

Maybe they are just allowing Jim 'sue your constituents to invalidate their votes' Moeller to take the lead in demeaning voters again over this failure.

Strange both are MIA at the same time.

Clark County Voter said...

Weren't they at some newspaper conference? Maybe took a week off after it.

Jack said...

I think it's very "telling" that theose two chickenshits went into hiding - maybe they're both looking for new jobs

Jack said...

Good to see you show your face again, Beavis Brancaccio, Maybe you and Butt-head Laird could both take him to lunch as long as you don't cry all the way there over the demise of the CRC in the Whaambulance on the way to the Children's mental Hospital.

Jack said...

"The ankle-bitingWhiners of DogTurdVille