Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Two who should resign immediately: Dem Multnomah County Commission Chair, and the GOP Governor of Virginia.

So, the democrat chair of the Multnomah County Commission got caught with his fly down.  Not unlike another Weiner running for mayor of NYC. 

He's a democrat, and, of course, the democrat political machine typically oozes immorality and corruption.  The biggest local example was the cancer of the CRC Scam, obliterating $175 million with a breath-taking incompetence and arrogance that's truly hard to define.

As a rule, dems don't give a damn about morality.  What, for example, happened to the late dem Rep. Gary Studds, a gay child molester who committed statutory rape (At a minimum) with a House Page?

Well, he was made a committee chair and re-elected 4 times after the story broke.

And, of course, ol' Number 9, soon to be NYC Comptroller Eliot Spitzer... And, perhaps soon-to-be mayor ol Wiener-Head.  There's a long list of them, to be sure... And while I recognize that the right also has a corner on the immorality market, I apply the same brush to both sides.

I've demanded that democrat  Max Baucus, and GOP senators David Vitter and John Ensign zip it up and get out of town as well.

Those of you in power need to understand that you set the example.  If you can't keep your pants/(or, for the ladies) panties up, then you need to get intio a different line of work.

Now, the ladies weren't the downfall of GOP former rising star governor Bob McDonnell.  His gig is just flat-out, you-can-buy-me corruption.

Here's a guy who had the whole package and was... I emphasize WAS... presidential material.

His stupidity took care of that, and he should resign today, right now... much like my brother-in-law, now (thankfully) former commissioner Marc Boldt (D, his protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.) should have resigned for violating state ethics laws by voting to get his wife, my sister-in-law, paid.

Ethics laws become increasingly unimportant the more they are ignored. Democrat Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart should have resigned after his outrageous... and false... allegations of collusion, made publicly to humiliate his fellow commissioners during the leftist bread and circuses scam he ran with the democratian.  What's happened to him as a result?

Nothing.  And how, exactly, does "nothing" re-enforce the idea that lying about fellow commissioners is not the right way to go?

But Stuart's a democrat.  And it's "different" for democrats.

Isn't it?

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