If you're an intellectual coward like Leftist Lou Brancaccio, the overnight reversal on the part of the Port Commissioners has to be something of a dilemma: On one hand, the commissioners have committed the cardinal sin of going off-script and slam-dunking the democratian agenda.
One need only look at the county commissioner fetish Leftist has been engaging in since true Republicans were voted into office to see what kind of a petulant jerk Lou can truly be. Do something he doesn't like, and WHAM, he hits you upside the head with a newspaper. Or two. Or thirty.
IF, of course, you're a Republican. Because he has NEVER done that to any of his fellow leftists that I can recall.
But on the other hand... the Port Commission also rather stupidly endorsed the CRC Scam... so, since the support was so recent, how can we bitch slap the Port Commissioners for crossing us by doing what THEY wanted instead of what WE at the rag demanded?
We don't.
We do THIS instead... a non-effort with this response by David Arnett, a much better writer than I, and one of the few critical thinkers not banned from commenting on democratian propaganda.
The rag stupidly tried to trash the effort of building an oil terminal here, comparing our apples with Quebec's oranges.David Arnett · Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
Interesting stance. The Columbian seems to be trying to back-pedal on this news event, minimizing its importance and comforting those who join the newspaper in opposing the project. When it comes to approving this project, no body has more power than the Port comissioners. If they said No, it would be No. For this project, neither the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council nor the Governor has greater power. (Perhaps after the vote on I-502 perhaps our Governors should be called Your Totally Highness.)
This will be a lot like the whole CRC approval process. We may have other individuals or boards that approve it along the way, and we may hear people start to call its final approval inevitable. But we should not join those early revelers. At any step in the approval process, it could be squashed. The approval by the Port commissioners was important, as will be the approvals or disapprovals of every one of these required reviewers.
Local (and some not-so-local) fascist environmentalists have grabbed a hold of the unfortunate events of Lac-Mégantic and constantly point to that scenario as a major reason to pass on this inevitable development (With more to come, no doubt) and job builder in our community.
Yes, what happened in Quebec was a tragedy. But so is every traffic fatality, every plane crash, every ship that sinks, every light rail fatality... a wide variety of tragedies with none of these smug, self-appointed environmental monitors demanding that we stop using those methods of transportation as a result.
The Port Commission was right in this instance, doing the job they were elected to do. Conservative commissioners and legislators are typically right asd well, doing the job THEY were elected to do.
What's the difference?
Conservative electeds opposed the horrific CRC Scam. And by and large, that's an unpardonable sin.
That's what drives Leftist Lou's endorsements. That's what drives leftist Lou's in-kind campaign contributions to efforts to recall the commissioners (Now long since dead, as I repeatedly said they would be) and his fawning coverage of the democrat's coup attempt on local commission government.
He's worn out a warehouse full of knee pads in his opinion broadside masquerading as a newspaper. And each defeat for him has a delicious irony: every time he complains about a tax or fee increase on those infrequent occasions when he does, he needs to be reminded that HE support the slime that put it there.
Kinda cool, huh?
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