Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's becoming clearer: Brancaccio is channeling his CRC Scam through his editorials! He's just too much of a coward to put his name to it.

It's like the subject that no one in the rag's newsroom can even talk about.  But who else besides Brancaccio would pen garbage like this:
If there is anything this new journey does NOT need, it's a rear-view mirror. To CRC supporters (including The Columbian's editorial board): It's over. Time to move on. To CRC critics: There's no need to carry old grudges. They're especially unbecoming after a decisive victory.
Scum like Tim "The Liar" Leave-it aren't "moving on." Our local mayoral scumbag wrote this on Thursday:
Madore and Mielke killed your bridge and now they want to rub your noses in it.

Clark County commissioners are considering offering voters as many as five advisory votes in this November's election.Like · ·
Of course, this scumbag isn't aware that, in fact, it was NEVER "our bridge."  It was, in fact, HIS bridge.  And that he's still pissed off that we bitch-slapped his carefully-laid plans to screw this entire community will first, never be mentioned by the rag and second which will not make any difference as because you KNOW the rag is STILL going to endorse this lying scumbag... well, you've got to wonder.

And when Lou says "There's no need to carry old grudges. They're especially unbecoming after a decisive victory." that's particularly odd, given HIS grudges against Commissioner's Mielke and Madore... but he's referring to himself in this instance... and the candidates that he wants elected: every one of witch are on record as supporting the CRC Scam.

So, actually, there IS a reason to keep this grudge in place.

We will be using the CRC Scam as a litmus test for candidates for years to come.  Those who support(ed) this garbage?

None of them should ever be elected to anything, forever.  Because th4e mindset that would allow them to have an attitude that they can screw us whenever they feel like it?

Well, screw them.  And, don't elect them.

As for "carrying a grudge?"  Those shilling this crap for the past decade deserve the same treatment they troweled out to those of us who rightfully opposed this scam for the next decade.

So, get over it, Lou.  You long since abrogated your responsibility to us.... and now you, and the other Scammers... are going to pay.

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