One of the chief Scammers, Taliban City Councilman Larry Smith, suddenly seemed to discover what anyone alive and breathing knew for 8 years:
The CRC process has been horrible and proves that compromising hurts the overall integrity."Compromising?"
Where was Smith when it came to the obvious, and dual compromises of raising the bridge to a proper height and stripping the hated loot rail off of it to get it built?
Smith... and none of the other Scammers (Molehill, The Liar, Stuart, Kitzenfreude, Outslee, Mike "The Putz" Briggs, Annette "It's a damned shame she's not in Ohio" Cleveland and even, for that Sen. Tracy Eide, who's bizarre (and entirely untrue musings) were trumpeted in the cancer on our society yesterday.
To these leftists, the definition of "compromise" is "doing it our way." Compromises in the form of stripping off loot rail and raising the bridge height were offered... and rejected... repeatedly, the crap about "safety," or "congestion," or "freight mobility" notwithstanding.
Days go on, and none of these slime ask us what we want, just the special interests who own them. They offer nothing different... nothing new. They stubbornly cling to their taxes and bibles of revenue increases, just like most on the fringe left.
Molehill has made it clear in a wide variety of ways that the only thing that matters to Molehill is Molehill.
By both word and deed, Molehill has made it clear that his is the "superior" intellect.
The law does not necessarily require C-Tran to get voter approval when financing light rail or bus rapid transit, according to a formal opinion issued Monday by the state Attorney General.....
The opinion could have helped Columbia River Crossing project supporters, who were trying to assess what C-Tran's options were for covering light-rail maintenance and operating costs in Vancouver. However, the Legislature did not commit state money for the project this year, and the CRC offices are shutting down.
State Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, made the request for Ferguson's formal opinion in February, before the CRC's fate was known. Moeller said Tuesday that he agreed with the opinion, but he expressed disappointment that it was issued after Washington's 2013 legislative session ended on Saturday.
"Unfortunately, the opinion arrived in my office Monday … about six months after I requested the opinion," Moeller said in a statement. "Although it was late arriving, I think that their conclusion lines up with what I believe is the correct side in this matter."

Jim Moeller · Top Commenter
At least this question has been settled for the future. Funding? Yes, absolutely! Get voter approval! The plan itself - nope. Just as our founding fathers envisioned. This is what has always been the understanding.
The idea that scum like Moeller can usurp our judgement for his own anyone else's is sickening... but the kind of slimy arrogance that he's known for.
And his butt-buddy Mike Brigs wearing out a set of kneepads for him ?
Mike Briggs · Top Commenter · Freelance Writer at Freelance Writer
This is good to know Rep. Moeller. It is a shame it took soooo long to arrive but now at least it is known. There is representing the people (when one can figure out which people you are referring to...) and there is using your own judgement and exhibiting leadership. This is precisely what Madison envisioned when he was writing of representation because a direct democracy was too big to work properly. Now the routes are better established.
And polls- well, they can be swung any which way you wish- it all depends on the segment of the population polled and how they are written and engineered.
I believe Rep. Moeller you did the best job you could.
Quoting Madison on a national issue of course has no relevance to a local issue... but that's the kind of idiocy that Briggs routinely exhibits in his fringe left fugue.
Then Briggs, a CRC Scammer of the lowest order who has routinely misread the situation AND joins with Moeller in disregarding the people of this district, spews this garbage:
What Briggs, as politically astute as a board fence, routinely disregards is this: it's not the people that get elected... it's their positions.
Mike Briggs · Top Commenter · Freelance Writer at Freelance Writer
Roger, you over estimate what you think the 17th & 18th populations desire as a total people. And Madore, Benton, and Mielke and their ilk? If you they are on the rise, ha! You are greatly mistaken. Most people, be it Rep., Dem. or Indie are completely fed up with terrible politicians like these. Frankly Roger, I am surprised you would side with such poor examples of politicos.Reply ·· Thursday at 12:34pm
Briggs is too stupid to figure out that representatives act as carriers for policy... and what's on the rise in the entirety of this county are the POLICIES of the people Briggs is so upset about... not the people themselves.
If it were the people... then we'd all still be calling Marc Boldt "Commissioner." But Briggs is one of those "stupid is as stupid does" people who knows as much about politics as he does about brain surgery.
In reality, the opinion would have made no difference:
The senators actually representing the people of this area would have done what I have said they were going to do for several months, they would have stuck together and continued to vote no.
The CRC Scammers are faced with a golden opportunity here, and they cast it aside like they've cast aside public input on their scam. They won't listen... and they don't care about us as a people.
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