Thursday, June 20, 2013

When the Governor of Washington is a psychotic liar.

We've seen them around here.  Those shilling for the left at the democratian; Molehill Moeller, Leave-it, Cleveland.  Low-life scum who most would not allow to run an elevator for them.

Add the brain-damaged, too-many-tackles-without-a-helmet governor to the list.

As everyone paying attention knows, the revenue forecast yesterday more than made up for the differences in the budget pre-forecast.  The result?  The Senate wants to pass their budget and go home.


Except for the scumbag running this state.

We've come to find out over the CRC Scam that there's no lie this snake and his Winged Monkeys won't tell to get what they want.

For example, these slime claim the I-5 Bridge is "unsafe."  How many times have we been told that?  Scum like Moeller come right out and ask "do people need to die to replace the bridge?" as if it was already leaning into the river.

That's a lie, of course: the unarguable fact of the matter is this - if the bridge WERE actually unsafe... they'd have shut it down.

Is it closed?


Then it isn't unsafe.

Yet the whack jobs demanding the right to screw us persist in lying about the condition of the bridge in an effort to scare people into supporting this lie.

Well, that's not stopping with the bridge.

This morning, that lying scumbag sent this ou5t to every state employee:

From: Governor Jay Inslee [mailto:Governor.JayInslee@GOVERNOR.WA.GOV]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: Contingency planning update

Dear fellow state workers,

This email comes at what I know is a very uncertain time for you and everyone in Washington. I fully appreciate how difficult this time is for you.  As you know, budget negotiations continue. While the revenue forecast provided some positive news, much work remains. I am doing everything I can to help legislators reach agreement before June 30 and avoid a government shutdown.

In the meantime, we must continue working with agency directors to prepare contingency plans. Last night I met with my cabinet to discuss next steps and I wanted to share our progress with you as well.

As you recall, last week my office requested<> each agency to work with its legal counsel and provide information about which services and programs could continue under the law. Those determinations are based on certain constitutional obligations and federal laws, or whether funding requires an appropriation from our operating budget.

Our legal teams have put together a helpful spreadsheet summarizing which agencies would remain open and the impacts to services and programs. I know each of us shares a deep concern for the people we serve and the services we deliver, and this information will be of great interest to you. That spreadsheet will be available online at>.

I want to be clear that determinations about which services will continue is not a matter of choice or about whether one service or program is considered more important than another. These decisions are purely a matter of legal or constitutional obligation. If you have questions about this list, I encourage you to reach out to your agency director.

In addition, please be aware that if we haven’t finalized negotiations by early next week, potential layoff notices may be sent out. This is because, should a budget not be agreed to by June 30, most state employees are required to be given five to seven days notice of a temporary layoff.

Again, a government shutdown is not likely. But absent legislative action, that is what will happen. I know the uncertainty is hard on you, your colleagues and your families. I will continue doing everything I can to ensure legislators reach a budget agreement, and I believe they will.

At last night’s cabinet meeting, the cabinet members told me that despite the frustration and uncertainty during this time, you’ve continued to serve the people of Washington state with the highest degree of professionalism and dedication. Thank you. In seeing the potential impacts of a shutdown, it’s immediately clear how each and every one of you — and the vendors and contractors you work with — play an important role in making Washington a safe, beautiful and healthy place to live and work. I appreciate all you do.

If you have comments, please email me through this link<>.

Very truly yours,
As indicated, the shortfall between the House and Senate budget has been covered... and covered without jacking up taxes.

Yesterday on KVI's Carlson Show, this lying slimeball indicated that there were going to be "cuts to services to homeless children."

Download and listen.


That's not good enough for the leftist scum running the show.

They want to bleed us even more... even though the money isn't needed now.

So, they've contrived a fake, non-existent crisis in a failing effort to again, frighten people into a wasted effort to pressure the Senate into caving.

There is no possibility of a shut down if the Senate budget is adopted.  None.  Why this scumbag has to lie about yet another political defeat is simply beyond me.

But lie he does at the end of what, for the democrats, has been an utterly abysmal defeat of an out-of-touch agenda that bears no resemblance to reality.

In short, the Governor of this state is a liar. 

Why?  Who knows.  But this does serve to re-enforce the idea that there is no such thing as "enough" for these scum.

1 comment:

Jack said...

The Elitist Sonsabitches are getting Hysterical and Desperate now that the CRC is totally Dead.