Monday, June 03, 2013

Whatever will Chris Christie do now?

Early on, I was tremendously impressed with the formerly massive Chris Christie.

He reacts to slime the same way I do: with fire and confrontation.

The problem?

He's as Republican as, say, Jaime Herrera.  In short, not at all.

His efforts to help Obama get re-elected haven't gone unnoticed.

And now, he's got to make a decision as to who to appoint as a result of the death of Frank Lautenberg, (D-NJ) a senator who died on Friday.

The choices run from a self-appointment; not likely, but you never know.... to appointing a fringe-leftist.

Speculation runs rampant.  But in the end, this guy would sell his own mother to get elected, so hope for the best... while expecting the worst.

Here's a guess.  Expect a senatorial choice in the Arlen Spector mode.  AKA, a disaster.

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