Sunday, June 16, 2013

Truer equality: Norway votes to draft women.

The bogus, fake gender-equality we have around this country and our military is just that: false.

This women in combat nonsense is a disaster waiting to happen and it inevitably will, just like our increasing dependence on females in the military has been a disaster in many respects.

We see the whining and sniveling from a few loud mouths.  We see the efforts the military is taking to lower standards.  We see the women using pregnancy to avoid deployment so some other poor schlep has to take their place.  We see the hundreds of millions wasted on training women who get pregnant and then just sit it out... at full pay, of course.

But what we DON'T see is any demand for women to be included in the draft.

What we DON'T see is any demand that women meet the same standards as men in, say, PT tests.

No, what we see is the military being used as a test tube by a bunch of non-serving scum who won't have to live... or die... as a result of their experiments.

So, along comes the democratic light known as .... Norway?

We've lacked the guts to charge the full price for equality.  The faux equality of women has never, to my knowledge, included riots or lawsuits on the part of women demanding to be... drafted.

You know... like true equality demands? (HT to This Ain't Hell)

Norway votes to draft women

Tom sends us a link to Reuters which reports that Norway has become the first NATO nation to draft women.
“Rights and duties should be the same for all,” said Labor lawmaker Laila Gustavsen, a supporter of the bill. “The armed forces need access to the best resources, regardless of gender, and right now mostly men are recruited.”
Norway has been at the forefront in the fight for gender equality, introducing measures such as requiring all public limited companies to fill at least 40 percent of their board seats with women. On Wednesday the country celebrated a century since Norwegian women won the right to vote.
“This is historic. For me it is fantastic to make history, for the armed forces and for women,” Gustavsen said.
But I don’t see the US making the move to be “historic”. The only reason that the Supreme Court gave us when they said drafting men only was constitutional was because women couldn’t serve in combat, but that restriction has been lifted, so you’d think that the women’s movements would be pressuring Congress to draft women, too.
I don't see the women's movement getting all huffy about this, either.  But that failure just serves to reinforce the rank hypocrisy of the "equality" movement, both within, and outside, the military.

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