Monday, June 17, 2013

Hillsboro Hops blast Eugene 12-0 in home opener: Local Yakima Millionaire supporters whine.

As the headline says, the Hops mangled Eugene, 12-zip in their home opener this evening at the Hillsboro Stadium.

The rag is bittersweet about that: their efforts to sell out this entire community to pay roughly $8 million more for a stadium the same size than Hillsboro did, by stupidly locating in already parking-sensitive Clark College and force the rest of the county to pay for the ballpark scam every time any of us went to a movie, the Fair, the Amphitheater and any time anyone played golf.

All, of course, without asking us.

This is just one of the many scams that Tim "The Liar" Leave-it have tried to run on us since he lied his way into the mayor's office.  He failed.

I like baseball.  What I don't like is yet another effort to rip us off so the downtown mafia can get what THEY want without asking those of us who are going to pay for it what WE want.

That's a recurring theme on the part of Leave-it and his ilk.  You'd think he'd learn.

The local rag flipped on their position, about two years old, concerning screwing us to get a ballpark built at taxpayer expense:

The Columbian snivels over striking out on the ballpark scam.

Forgotten long since, two short years ago, this rag threw a fit over the very idea that taxpayer dollars should be used to pay for a millionaire's baseball facility:
But back to luring the baseball team over to this side of the river. That would require a stadium with at least 8,000 seats, which would cost about $40 million. As we’ve editorialized before, there appears to be no way any of that money could — or even should — be provided by taxpayers. That hurdle hasn’t discouraged Leavitt, though. “There’s still a lot of interest in bringing Beavers baseball or Triple-A baseball to Clark County. Private interests are working on a financing plan,” he said. To which we respond: Great! Work away! Which is a nice way of saying don’t come begging to cash-strapped city or county governments.
What was the rag's position on the Yakima Millionaire's Ballpark Scam?
So, along comes Brancaccio, who blabs about how unacceptable Stuart's "dead horse" plan is.  He goes on to comment below the article:  
Lou Brancaccio Top Commenter University of Florida 
When you read the entire editorial Friday you will see we still favor baseball coming here and we still support an entertainment tax to make that happen. What we strongly oppose is this new idea of giving the money to the cities and then cutting them off after five years. Many politicians have trouble stopping spending once they start.
Yeah, I know: the lack of integrity is insane.

Nevertheless, those who screwed this up by trying to ram this badly located facility down our throats are a little whiny.  Unfortunately, arrogance likely keeps most of them from being what they need to be: a little more introspective and a little more willing to take the blame for screwing this up.

Next time you want to shaft us, perhaps you'll ask us first, and listen when we respond.

As for Hillsboro.... Play Ball!

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