Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Ding - dong, the CRC is officially dead. Now what?

Credit to Sen. Ann Rivers, the "Bridge Killer of Oz," who has worked to kill this scam from the moment she set foot in the legislature, accomplishing more then either of her predecessors could dream of.

Multiple sources have told me that Governor Inslee has privately acknowledged that their will be no funding for the CRC coming out of Transportation.

In the RTC meeting tonight, Ed Barnes's head apparently imploded, he was so angry at the Bridge Killer.  Other heads will be detonating, not the least of which will be that of the Cowardly Lion, played by Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, the Tin Man, played by Paul "Identity Vancouver" Montague; the Scarecrow, Jim "If I only had a Brain" Moeller, and various munchkins, played by Nancy Boyd, Sharon Wylie, Paula Hammond, John Kitzhaber and Jay Inslee.

Playing the role of the Wicked Witch of the 49th, Sen. Annette Cleveland and her faithful lackeys, Andrew Cleveland and Michael Briggs, the Winged Monkey, who now look like blithering idiots.

They rolled over and put their arms and legs in the air today.

It will gradually sink in to the CRC Scammers that their dream of ripping us off has finally and irrevocably collapsed

How sweet it is.

But the question remains: now what?

The CRC Scammers SHOULD admit defeat and then take a serious look at how to address the transportation problems confronting us: a 3rd and 4th Bridge.

Will they?

Those making bank off this scam will sure want to.. so it will be interesting to see what kind of pressure they can bring to bear.

Meanwhile, our cowardly Congresswoman missed a golden opportunity to actually make a difference here.  But when you're worthless as a representative, one wonders: what else can you expect?


Lew said...

If this is true that Inslee says no funding, do not let our guards down.

I received a call this evening from a well placed source about a mega-corporation calling around to ensure at least 800 pile drivers are on hand next fall to begin construction of a bridge.

I wouldn't put it past these pukes to push something through next session or come up with a way to stick us with the bill anyway to force it in.

Keep out guards up and watch these sneaky, unscrupulous Democrats.

Martin Hash said...

The Feds may decide to fund the project - probably have.

Oregon will still want to toll - who'll stop that? Herrera may be the only one...

Oregon WANTS light rail - make them to put it on 205.

Then all it a day.

Clark County Voter said...

I live here because it's NOT Portland.

Jack said...

We're on it, Lew. just remember - WE KICK ASS!!

Jack said...

http://www.columbian.com/news/2013/may/11/a-chat-with-sen-ann-rivers/ Worth listening to again as Ann Rivers shuts down Lou Brancaccio on the CRC and tells him to "stop belittling people who have differing opinions" on the project