Wednesday, June 26, 2013

All the King's horse and all the King's men admit: they can't put Moeller or Montague's heads back together.

Multiple explosions were heard when the downtown mafia/Identity Vancouver/Chamber of Horrors type heard that the DEMOCRAT controlled state House of Representatives failed to pass their idiotic, DOA in the Senate Transportation package.

Among local luminaries suffering from cranial implosion:

1.  Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, soon to be former mayor of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver and complete CRC Scam bitch;

2.  Royce "Ain't given you no choice" Pollard, former mayor of the Taliban City on the River and CRC Scammer extraordinaire

3.  Jim "Molehill" Moeller, who is coming to find out exactly what a buffoon he really is since no one in Olympia listens to him.

4.  Paul "I should resign" Montague, another of the CRC Scammers who follows his orders like he worked in a concentration camp (And Paul, that stuff didn't work for your buddies in Nuremberg, either)

5.  Steve "I used to be a commissioner" Stuart, who had been one of the CRC Scam's biggest cheerleaders but has tailed off considerably given his impending departure from elective office around here.

6.  Marc "I got clobbered for THIS?" Boldt, former Clark County Commissioner who sold this county out and paid the price for it.

7.  Jay "Too much football without a helmet" Inslee,  Patty "State Cow" Murray, Maria "Round heels" Cantwell.  All were chugging away to get this rip off built.

8.  Gov. John "It's all a lie" Kitzhaber, who proved that the only reason for this crap pile to be built was to get loot rail into Vancouver:  he told us "no light rail, no bridge," stuffing the safety, congestion and freight mobility lies down the throat of the CRC Scammers.

There's more to come about this: I expect that Monica Stonier who showed genuine courage today by voting against this blivet will be subjected to unimanginable threats and other pressures between now and the next vote.

Well she be able to withstand it?

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