Friday, May 03, 2013

Today's example of Brancaccio's hypocrisy. In my view: the democratian's coverage is an insult.

Few have done more harm to this community over the massive rip off of the CRC than Lou Brancaccio.

A sustained campaign of lies, exaggerations, omissions and attacks against opponents, both launched by that idiot AND sanctioned for John "the pit yorkie" Laird.

How many readers remember this from a few short days ago as Brancaccio was in full campaign mode on the bridge rip off:
There have been so many missteps on this Columbia River Crossing project that if it was entered on "Dancing With The Stars," it would be voted off before Mike Tyson. It's just mess after mess. The tomfoolery is epic. Even its most ardent supporters would agree with this. For me, I hold my nose and close my eyes, and say we should move forward.
The facts is that for Brancaccio to admit he's been wrong and that he's done real damage to our community would, literally, cause his head to become one of those little fringe-left mushroom clouds that could be seen on the Road Runner - Wylie Coyote cartoons.

So, here's the thing... the stench, if you will.

Brancaccio wants us to do what he has done concerning the CRC Scam:

He wants us to ignore reality; ignore the facts, ignore the numbers, and most importantly for that scumbag, ignore the people of this community.... and ignoring all of that, he wants us to support that theft project anyway.

Segue to the Benton appointment.

Brancaccio hates Benton.  Hates him with a passion that's almost... admirable.

Or psychotic.

Brancaccio hates Benton for many reasons.  But those include the fact that Benton, for the most part, ignores him.  Yes, Benton ignores Brancaccio and few things in life infuriate psychotics more than that.

Lou has been beating the hell out of Benton since he took the job (to this community's lasting shame) at the democratian.

It took Sen. Benton years to get there, but once he figured out how unimportant Brancaccio has made the newspaper by lying about, and attacking the opponents of the paper's agenda, the rest was easy.

The result?  Benton refuses to kiss Brancaccio's ring, or ass or any other part of his anatomy.

And then, oh my God, Benton opposes Brancaccio's agenda.

Brancaccio fervently believes, like a snake-charming preacher, that both he, Brancaccio, AND his agenda are Divinely Inspired.  Never mind that the people frequently hate that vision. 

So, where's the hypocrisy in all of this?

On the CRC, Brancaccio, who has buy-in exceeding a decade on this scam, wants us to have faith in HIS vision.... well, only because Brancaccio wants it, because as those watching closest know, there is precisely ZERO reason to support Brancaccio's CRC Scam.

But let the Commissioners exercise THEIR discretion, a discretion THIS SCUMBAG KNOWS ABOUT AND ACKNOWLEDGES.... and he wants all hell to break loose.

Effectively, his double standard to support something HE wants while going absolutely batshit crazy AGAINST something he doesn't want?

That's why the smell from this scumbag's office can easily be confused with that stench known as "The Aroma of Tacoma."

But this whole thing has shown itself to Brancaccio as an opportunity.  An opportunity to, again, use his tax-subsidized bully pulpit to beat the hell out of  his three worst political nightmares.

All the while demanding that we have what amounts to faith in his, Brancaccio's, vision; his view.  We should ignore what we want, what our own eyes have been showing us for years.... we should just put that all aside.  Not for any REASON, you understand, because none exist with a straight face, but because Baron Brancaccio says so.

And now, the Baron looks out over his democratian mote and sees an ever-growing pool of political enemies.  His only, dull-normal intelligence response?

Attack.  Attack.  And attack again.

And it will make no difference.  It will stop nothing.

It will stop nothing because, first, the fact that Brancaccio and the other fringe-left morons don't like it ain't enough.

It will stop nothing because David Madore and Tom Mielke are smart enough to realize that if Baron Brancaccio's snit is successful on THIS, he'll try to take over county government on ANY issue he wants by having his winged monkeys do the same thing... every time.

It will stop nothing because on Monday, Benton is on the payroll.  He is going to STAY on the payroll.  This is early enough in their terms that even if this were some kind of a disaster, Madore and Mielke's militant opposition to the CRC Scam would be more than enough to overcome it.

Benton will succeed... or he won't.  But now that Brancaccio has taken it upon himself to review every government job process, application and hiring, what are chances he'll cast his rheumy view towards Jay Inslee and the hires HE'S made?  Has, for example, Brancaccio reviewed the bidding on that moron designated for Transportation Secretary?  Because if he drills down on that ego-maniac, even he would recoil in horror.

Somewhere between zero and non-existent.

And that's the thing, you see.  This is Brancaccio, being pathetic.  This is Brancaccio demanding that we give to him what he refuses to give to the commuissioners... and Benton... that he hates.

And that's the hypocrisy of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a whole lot of words for something nobody is ever going to read, mr hitler.