Saturday, May 18, 2013

Obama Administration and the depths of their depravity: IRS - "What's in your prayers?"

We've all heard the saying that the fish rots from the head down, and the IRS scandal is just the latest inn the series of debacles where the president of this country has chosen to wipe his ass with the Constitution of the United States.

You know, that document that he lied about when he took the oath to preserve, protect and defend, from all enemies, foreign and domestic?

In charge of everything: responsible for nothing.

The left, with few exceptions... an increasing number it would seem, but not yet nearly enough, have come to terms with this issue, clouded in partisanship and hatred of the right.  But through the fog of political war it's now been made clear: the government... MY government... YOUR government... has once again trampled on your rights as an American.

Nobody knows anything.  Nobody can "recall."  Nobody can "say."

"Is this still America?"

Is this, and the rest of his efforts to piss on our Constitution enough to impeach him?


But just remember: who gets the job if this idiot is thrown out?

Gotta ask:

How many Muslim groups got this ask?

Pretty sure we know the answer to that.

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