Sunday, May 12, 2013

John Laird: Moron.

Like most people aware of John Laird's impending departure, we cannot wait for that happy event, and vitriolic, bully boy rants like his effort today are the main reason why.

Well, that and his propensity to lie, exaggerate, attack those he disagrees with.

When you start off with a lie, most everything that follows falls in the same category.  And to claim this is a "community embarrassment," after having done everything you possibly could to MAKE it a "community embarrassment," is just another sign of the megalomania that has been the Laird meme ever since he dead-ended here, to our misfortune, years ago.

So, Brancaccio, Laird, Rice, et al, have decided on their own to work to stir up a firestorm that's going nowhere.

They use lies, lies by omission, exaggeration and the ignorance of the typical fringe leftist to whip up the few Madore haters into a frenzy.

Their dirty little secret, of course, is that it's because Madore specifically and Madore/Mielke generally have been a major impediment to the CRC Scam: Madore's hiring of Tiffany Couch to look at the criminal paper-trail of this rip off may be the single biggest factor to the destruction of this racket.

Here's the thing:

1.  If Madore were a CRC Scammer, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

2.  If they had appointed a random, fringe-left whack job nutter, say, Jim Moeller; we wouldn't be having this discussion.

3.  If Mielke and Madore had broken the law, or procedure, or rules, then we'd have something to discuss.

They didn't.  We don't.  The newspaper even acknowledged this early on, but they haven't mentioned it again as near as I can tell, since:
"However, the county provides a few exceptions to the requirement that job positions be publicly advertised, and says elected officials have the discretion to appoint department heads."
The rag's advocacy, bought and paid for by the fringe left haters and those who want this bridge built, would stop at nothing to destroy their enemies:  'Pour encourager les autres'
When you look at the lynch mob, they're the usual suspects: the fringe left, left,  the so called "moderates" whose boy got his ass kicked by Madore: the quasi-Republican downtown mafia types like Mains and Holmberg and that fake GOP ilk.

The ignorant, the easily swayed.  The sharks who delusionally believe they smell blood in the water.

The useful tools manipulated by big money, partisan hatred, an unaccountable media with a mission, reminiscent of their mission to get the worst president this Nation has ever known elected.

It's not surprising that Laird prints this garbage.  But to lie to make your point?  That's one of the many problems I have with the CRC Scam:  If you've got to lie about your project to get it built, then it shouldn't BE built.

Any level of this rising to be a "Community's embarrassment" comes no where near the "community embarrassment" caused by Laird, Brancaccio and that miserable rag they work on.

If Laird is looking for "community embarrassment," all he needs to do is check out the nearest mirror, or stroll over to Brancaccio's office.  He'll find all he needs, right there.


Lew said...

Words spoken by asshole Royce Pollard at yesterday's hate fest down at the Union Hall exposes the truth.

He said, “we do not have at this time a valid reason for a recall, but I’m sure there is one somewhere” and “We just need to find it.”

Typical of leftist scum, it's now a witch hunt to end any and all opposition to the CRC.

Lew said...

Oh, and let us not leave out turn coat Ann Donnelly, who once endorsed Bart Hansen as a 'conservative' and who no jumps on the hate fest bandwagon with her tripe left on the recall info page yesterday;

I would like my friends on both sides of this issue to know my thoughts. The following statement has been submitted both on Facebook today as well as to the Columbian letters.

Anger. Embarrassment. Incredulity. “What were they thinking?” These are the responses of the many Republicans I’ve heard from since Commissioners Madore and Mielke appointed State Senator Don Benton to be Clark County Environmental Director for Clark County.

No laws were broken. The Commissioners were within their rights. But the fact that you can do something is no assurance that you should do it. We all heard that from our parents.

Appointing Senator Benton is an abuse of power. Having gained the majority on the Board of Commissioners, Madore and Mielke should have used the opportunity wisely and with discretion. Instead they acted like a couple of bulls in the proverbial china shop. They’ve alienated every Democrat voter, most independents, and a large number of Republicans, including many of us with decades of experience in grass roots politics.

Installing State Senator Benton as environmental director is a Pyrrhic victory, one coming at a staggering cost: the loss of reputation and trust for Commissioners Mielke and Madore, as well as Benton. There may be no technical conflict of interest but I contend it comes close to the line. I agree that our County urgently needs economic growth and smaller government but you don’t accomplish lasting improvements in this manner.

When I moved to Vancouver in the late 1980’s, the GOP had some rebuilding to do. We built a grass roots organization that we could be proud of. We elected candidates like Linda Smith, Slade Gorton, Greg Kimsey, Garry Lucas, and we nominated principled and intelligent people like Bob Williams and recently Rob McKenna. None of them behaved in such a high handed manner as our two GOP commissioners, who need to hear from those of us who disagree.