Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Delusion and desperation for both Inslee and the democratian.

First, let me get this out of the way: Inslee is an idiot, living up to every preconceived notion that even the voters who voted for him had.

Second: he is now responsible, along with Kitzhaber, for killing the CRC.

Third, both Kitzhaber and the democratian live in some sort of alternative universe where there's nothing resembling reality anywhere close to their radar screen.

ACTIONS scream, while the impact of words is negligible.

The rag's bizarrely titled editorial this morning is reminiscent of that scene on YouTube, the Hitler in the bunker scene. 

Towards the end, Hitler was moving around phantom divisions and planning with units that no longer existed.  Reality set end when even Hitler heard the Russian artillery in Berlin.

Kind of like the democrats and the democratian: moving around "support" and money that, well, doesn't exist.  Reality for them will set in when this session ends with no Transportation package... and no CRC.

In Our View: Inslee Turns Up The Heat

Now it's time for the legislators to do their part and support the CRC 

 The CRC is now dead.  Kitzhaber began the process of disconnecting life support for this horrific waste of billions, and Inslee finished the deal by flipping the switch to "off."
It's NOT "time" for the legislature to do anything but represent the people.  And representing the people in this case means walking away from the almost $200 million the democrats and the downtown mafia have wasted on their efforts to jam light rail down our collective throats...  but rest assured: it is dead.

And since it's dead, Brancaccio is as delusional as Moeller if he so bizarrely believes that Inslee has ANY heat to "turn up."

Here's a bulletin, guys: The Senate Coalition IS "doing their part" by continuing to oppose this crap package.

Inslee not only killed the CRC Scam, but he likely killed the Transportation Package as well.

Does anyone think, for one minute, that the Senate will be in a mood to reward Inslee's playground idiocy by giving him what he wants on this scam?

Not likely.

The newspaper's babble supports nothing and changes nothing.  There would be no need to waste hundreds of millions on mitigation if this steaming pile didn't have loot rail attached to it, but then, as I've been saying for years now:

It's always and only ever been about light rail.

But the democratian's pathetic effort reeks of desperation and has the stench of fear about it: it's dead; they know it; they just refuse to believe it.

Well, here's a clue:

Believe it.


Jack said...

Time for another hitler "meme" Kelley.

Jack said...

Heehee, the Hysterical assholes are still deleting comments and letting Mike Yancey run wild.They must live in an "alternative universe"