Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The bizarre, telling the GOP what they need to do McKenna op-ed.

Even though he's rightfully achieved his political ignominy, RINO Rob McKenna can't just do us all a favor and STFU.

Here's the thing:  McKenna apparently didn't get the memo that he LOST.

It takes a monumental arrogance to believe that someone who called each and every shot in his campaign to out-democrat the democrats... only to blow a double-digit lead in the polls to pieces by getting monumentally stupid has any more of a clue than one of my spaniels.

Had McKenna won, what he might have to say could have mattered. But his campaign defined the word "abysmal," and as a loser (Along with fellow RINOs Finkbeinner and Dunn) if we need his advice, we'll ask for it.

Pointing these things out to some... locally... resulted in something of a backlash and an effort to silence. Right, Bill Cismar?

Meanwhile, we'd be much better served if he'd just STFU and go away... since his last "out-democrat the democrats" campaign just proved he doesn't have a clue.

If he DID have a clue, he would not have supported the Cowlitz organized crime scam, the CRC rip off, supported SEIU lobbyist Luke Esser for GOP chair, claimed the "collective bargaining for public employees is a 'right,'" or that Gov. Scott Walker's brilliant and long overdue dismantling of unions and getting rid of the so-called right to get raped by union dues was "terrorism," or his moronically idiotic "Boy Scout" own-goal, where he stuck his nose into an issue that was none of his business.

I did not vote for him or any other RINO, because I am sick of faux-Republicans pandering in every way possible just to get elected. I will never vote for a "settle-for" candidate like McKenna again.

Op-ed: How Republicans need to change in Washington state

The Republican defeat in last November’s election is cause for sober reflection, writes guest columnist Rob McKenna.
Special to The Seattle Times

DEFEATS like those suffered by many of my Republican colleagues and me last November are cause for sober reflection, as opposed to finger pointing. Rather than focus on blaming others for our defeats, party leaders and activists should instead consider how changing demographics, rapid technological change and relatively swift shifts in public attitudes have contributed to the Democrats’ recent successes in our state and nationally.
The challenge and opportunity for Republicans is in offering bold solutions that encourage more voters to support GOP candidates.
Fortunately, I’ve seen that constructive approach offered in recent weeks by leaders such as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, among others. All have championed forward-looking policies that will benefit all Americans, not just those in battleground states or among narrow constituencies.
I heard the same approach last month when I hosted a roundtable with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and two dozen of our state’s most active campaigners. I came out of that meeting impressed that Northwest Republicans, despite our losses, remain motivated to build the party and offer real alternatives to Olympia’s stale political culture.

Like the rest of the GOP Establishment (And our own worthless Ridgefield Barbie) McKenna shattered GOP tenets and tossed the basics for this party under every local bus he could find.

I have stated repeatedly and will continue to do so:

The GOP ship is sinking because of incompetence.  Changing the paint job on the political Titanic as it was taking on water would not have kept it from going under.

In short, this is not the time to justify each and every democrat allegation by saying, in effect, "yup, they were right all along and now we have to become what THEY want us to be."

This is not a time to re-evaluate the DNA of the GOP.  This is the time to work on regaining a viable ground game, where the GOP USED to excel, but have long-since lost the edge to the left.  As the democrats proved: having the biggest idiot on the planet as your president is entirely possible if you can get all of his fellow idiots and takers of "stuff" to the polls.

This IS the time to engage in year-round minority outreach, something I advocated during my tenure in the Executive Director's chair of the WSRP as far back as 2000 and something I was ignored on.

Hammering the left for their policies of increasing government dependence is a winner if properly phrased and presented.

But McKenna and the rest of the RINO's shrink back in horror at the abysmal results THEIR politics and incompetence garnered and then tell the GOP to throw the baby out with the bathwater because THEY (And all their high-minded, wishy-washee leftist positions) lost.

Bull.  The GOP needs to do what it does much BETTER than they've been doing it.  But they're not even close to the fundamental, wholesale abandonment of principles that have guided the GOP for decades that Mainstreaming RINO's like McKenna advocate.

I, for example, refused to vote for RINO Rob because he supported the CRC scam AND the Cowlitz Casino rip off.... just like every democrat alive.

Why vote for the fake dem when right next to him is the real thing?

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