Friday, April 19, 2013

So.... the Boston bombers were, wait for it... muslims. Now what?

Reports are pinging around the net that the Boston bombers are Chechnya-born muslims... brothers, at that; 19 and 26... if the media is to be believed... and they get wrong about as much as they get it right.

One's dead... and so's a police officer.  The other... on the run.

As Americans, how are we supposed to respond to all of that?

What do we do?  What do we say?  What are we supposed to think?

In the best of all worlds, the one running will be caught alive... because it simply does not seem likely that Chechnian terrorist brothers cooked this up by themselves.

In discussions I had yesterday, I proffered that whoever did it was likely gone... getting them out of the country or killing them would be the smart, terrorist, play.  But "smart" and "terrorist" is something that should only be part of a script for the series NCIS or something.  

So, what do WE do?

First, this sort of thing had to happen at some point.

This isn't the first time this kind of idiocy has been tried post-9/11, but it is the first time they've succeeded.  And yes, they succeeded on Barack Obama/Janet Napolitano's watch.  Those two slugs have some 'splainin' to do.

This attack will likely embolden others.  And the perps are likely to be muslim.

What do we, as a nation do about that?

What CAN we, as a Nation, do about that?

Obama had better do the impossible: think fast.

He's arming terrorists throughout the muslim world: Egypt is getting our top of the line weaponry; Syrian terrorists are getting training... we've set up an office for Taliban terrorists.

That crap isn't happening in a vacuum.

First and foremost, I suggest every so-called "moderate" muslim had best get his or her ass out on the street and begin a lengthy process of roundly condemning this sort of activity.

Second, that community had BETTER start turning over radical elements to the FBI and police by the truckloads.

Third, foreign-paid/owned and operated madrases (Mosque schools used to inculcate children) had better be thoroughly investigated and/or shut down.

Here's my guess: These things will not happen.

Nationalism... that is, Americanism, plays a distant to nonexistent second to the radical fundamentalist who hates this country and it's people at the cellular level.  The non-radical element (If such a thing exists) will continue to be cowed into silence by the radicalized segments that we, as a nation, allow to exist within our boarders... festering and growing by the day.

When it doesn't happen to the degree it should... it must... then what?

The US has shown that we understand the Constitution is not a death warrant.  With a megalomaniacal president, there is a possibility that he might use this situation as an excuse... MIGHT being the applicable word.

He's fully capable of it.

Historically, this country has shown the ability to round up those considered to be a threat: our Japanese population, we're never allowed to forget, went through a lot during World War 2.

They responded by doing most anything they could to join the military to fight our enemies.

Under similar circumstances, can you feature muslims reacting the way the Japanese-Americans did?

The country is capable of doing this again.  And if there are additional episodes like this, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see it again.

But the complete lack of leadership and vision at the top, outside the program of turning this country socialist... does anything BUT instill confidence in the idea that those running the show will take responsibility for this failure; take the decisive action needed to respond, and take additional steps to insure it doesn't happen again.

And "additional steps" may include what many believe to be the "unthinkable:" the rounding up and forced expulsion of the muslim population.

A horrific thought.  Many reading this, no doubt, are thinking that such a position is racist... that the Constitution abhors that sort of thing.  (Is this a good time to point out that a religion is not, in fact, a race?)

But if there are additional options I haven't listed, I'd love to hear them.  Merely responding to terrorist attacks isn't close to enough.  This country had best become PRO-active as opposed to RE-active.

Prayers go out to the police and other others who shed their blood for us this day and their families.   There will likely be much, much, more in the near future.


K.J. Hinton said...

"But if there are additional options I haven't listed, I'd love to hear them."

Gee, Martin, I had no idea the Nazis locked up the Japanese during the war. I guess you really do learn something new every day.

Martin Hash said...

Dude, you're always arguing that Constitutional Gun Rights can't be impinged - but impinging Personal Rights is okay?!

K.J. Hinton said...

If memory serves, at least two presidents and Congress itself have suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus: some guy named Lincoln during that little tiff in the early 1860's and some guy name Roosevelt in that soiree in the early 40's.

It was an EO... 9066... that resulted in the round ups.

So, here's another Constitutional article I can respond with:

Article One, Section 9, clause 2, which demands that "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

"...unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

"...require it."

I'm still waiting for YOUR idea on how to address additional muslim attacks.

Am I advocating such an action now?


Get back to me after another 10 attacks or so. Then we'll see.

In the meantime, your plan to address these issues is?

Here's a hint: when one side insists on following all the Rulz in a war and the other side insists on ignoring them... which side wins?