Friday, March 29, 2013

Where was Herrera? Where was Vick?

Went to the extremely well-attended anti-CRC rally at the Quay today... this afternoon.

Representative Pike (18th District) and Harris (17th District)

Senator Rivers (18th District) and Benton (17th District) were there.

None of the communists representing the 49th bothered to show up.

Moronica Stonier passed.

And so did that worthless waste of skin and pro-CRC  scammer Congresswoman, Jaime Herrera Beutler.

And so did that equally worthless waste of skin Representative Brandon Vick.

Now, don't misunderstand me:  I get why the communist democrats who don't give a rat's ass what people with opposing views... meaning the vast majority of us... think.

But that blithering, lazy idiot representing us in Congress?  The one doing nothing except to repeatedly lie, over and over, about how "concerned" she is about the CRC?

While doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it except to right a few letters that no one cares about?

Or that empty-suit who scammed this job only to be an abysmal failure at doing it, mailing it in for months now and not even bothering to introduce  any legislation (as if their aren't any problems worth his time)... where were they?

Wherever it was... it was wrong.

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