Monday, March 18, 2013

Update on the county charter.

Readers might recall the debacle on the issue of the county charter where Marc Boldt blew off both his promises on the matter AND the county GOP platform on the issue.

We've heard a great deal on a great many subjects, most of them good.  The question here though, is this: what has been done to implement the county charter?

It's not difficult to discern why Boldt and Stuart voted against this idea: they didn't (And in Stuasrt's case, don't) want the voters to second guess their decisions.  But the reality is that with a state constitution that tells us  that "All political power is inherent in the people," we already, theoretically, have this ability; what we're talking about now is the mechanism to implement that process.

This morning, I sent the following email to the commissioners:
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 RE:  Update on the county charter plan

Commissioners might recall that one of the many reasons Marc Boldt was turned out of office was his violation of his promises on the county charter issue.

I would like to know what progress has been made on this issue and when do you intend to get this mechanism rolling.

I will update you with their responses.

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