Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it nails the scumbag zone on the CRC

Who can forget that lying scumbag's campaign for mayor?

No one.  And by the time that little worm is bounce out on his ass from an office he stole through fraud, his lying tenure will be cemented into political posterity for generations to come.

Vancouver Mayor Tim "The Liar" Leave-it Lying about the CRC again.

There's no lie that scum bubble won't tell to get this built: his employer, a CRC contractor, has given him his marching orders and he's going to obey.

The problem is that it's looking increasingly likely that it will never see the light of day.

And lying scum like Leave-it are just one component of that.
So, when this slimeball mumbles garbage like this:
Starting his sentence with, "And," Leavitt paused for laughter as the audience correctly predicted what he was about to say.

"Are those seat belts in those chairs? Buckle up, ladies and gentleman," Leavitt said. "There is no more important opportunity for our city and our region than completion of the Columbia River Crossing. Five miles of highway improvements, bringing aged and decrepit infrastructure into the 21st century."
He's delusional.

THE most important project under way right now is kicking his lying, moronic ass out of office and replacing that scumwad with someone who actually has something approaching honesty and integrity in them.

there's nothing wrong with this bridge: we know it's part of the loot rail scam the Oregon Supreme described that morons like Leave-it willingly bent us over for this scam.
Leavitt praised Oregon lawmakers for approving that state's share of the funding, and federal lawmakers for placing the CRC in the top five most important projects.
This means he's either brain-damaged or he really doesn't give a rat's ass how badly Oregon has screwed us on this deal... or that the people DO NOT WANT LOOT RAIL.
He thanked U.S. Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell and then representatives from "south of the river," notably leaving U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, off his list.
While I'm sure she's losing sleep over the fact that this lying punk didn't mention her, the fact is that Herrera is doing all she can to make this crap pile happen, by virtue of the fact that she's doing absolutely nothing to stop it.  So, he'd have been money ahead TO mention her, given h3er obvious support of the project.
And while not mentioning Clark County Commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke by name, Leavitt clearly had them in mind when he quoted New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Krugman, he said, opined, "We are no longer the nation that used to amaze the world with its visionary projects. We have become, instead, a nation whose politicians seem to compete over who can show the least vision, the least concern about the future and the greatest willingness to pander to short-term, narrow-minded selfishness."
NO ONE "panders to short-term, narrow-minded selfishness" more then Mayor Asshat.

See, here's the thing: those sharing this dick's "vision" got killed at the polls out side the communist 49th.  So, two commissioners (and soon, a 3rd after Stuart is defeated like Boldt) are doing what the people of this community want them to.  And, Like Herrera, I'm sure that they're both going to lose sleep because this light weight attacked them.
Madore and Mielke stopped funding the Columbia River Economic Development Council due to its support for the project and passed a resolution opposing the Columbia River Crossing.
Precisely what they should have done.
"Some would have you believe that jobs will come to Southwest Washington without the CRC project," Leavitt said. "Some would have you believe that roads and bridges and traffic congestion aren't important to businesses. Some would have you believe that citizens shouldn't have an opportunity to choose to take a bus or bus rapid transit or light rail. Some would have you believe that light rail is not the least costly option for mass transit. But, that is all fiction."
"Some would have you believe that this massive rip off with 45 years of crippling tolls, designed start to finish to jam loot rail down our throats will do any of the things that moron Leave-it babbled about in his speech.  Some, like Leave-it, are lying scum."
There's a reason why hundreds of small and large business owners have endorsed the project, Leavitt said.
There's a bigger reason why THOUSANDS haven't, idiot stick.
"The cost not to get this project completed vastly outnumbers the short-term challenges with construction," he said.
Leave-it is such a total moroon that he really shouldn't be let out with out a keeper.

Flushing this turd down the toilet will save us BILLIONS.  And nothing this scumwad says or does can change any of that.

Leave-it knows this project is DOA.  He's been crawling on his knees in Olympia, BEGGING the Senate, literally with tears in his reptilian eyes.  But he knows.

The only question is this: why can't this dillwad admit it?

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