Saturday, March 23, 2013

The incomparable idiocy and self-delusion of Moeller and Cleveland.

It's tough when two of the 15 legislators representing Clark County are scum, but they are, and we just have to live with it.

Right now, we have 5 senators, including Sen. Curtis King (R-14) representing all or part of Clark County.

As Transportation Committee co-chair, Sen. King is personally going to kill the CRC scam for us by vetoing any attempt to fund it this year, but that's neither here nor there.

The self-delusional twits of Cleveland and Moeller are unable to grasp the fact that within the month, their scam will be over.... the massive rip off they support, done.

Of the 5 senators in question, all of them, save that moron Cleveland, a democrat/union butt-girl, oppose this theft and extortion.

This article by the democratian is rife with lies, exaggerations and delusions.

There is no "Plan B."  Sen. King will also kill Cleveland's moronic effort to bury us in taxes and fees as yet another empty threat on the part of the left to try and scare the people of this county into freaking out and whining to our senators to vote for this shit heap.

Bizarre observations like this idiocy:
 "My No. 1 priority is finding $450 million to keep this project on track," Moeller said.
When he fails, will he resign?  Will he hang himself?

And this garbage:
 "It does seem to be a partisan issue," Cleveland said of the CRC, "but it shouldn't be that way."
That simple idiot is right... just not in the way she believes: EVERYONE, REGARDLESS of party should vote against this turd.  But instead, it's limited to those who actually hear the voice of the people; those who actually give a damn what we say; those who aren't arrogant enough to see their vision as superior to our own.

And that leabves out the leftist scum like Cleveland and Moeller.

 And then this delusional crap from Moeller:
Moeller and other CRC supporters hope they've found their path forward in a broad revenue package introduced in February. If approved, the transportation plan would serve as the vehicle for putting up the state's share of money for the CRC. And they're hoping legislators, some Republicans included, could be enticed to support a package that includes new money for projects in the lawmakers' own backyards.
Well, see, here's the thing: the ONLY way they're going to get "the goodies" is to vote against funding the CRC scam.  Otherwise, first, there's no money for other projects and second, they'll be outvoted and wind up with nothing

And then this garbage:
Moeller has said some "political horse-trading" might be necessary to move a package forward this session. Withholding specifics, he and Cleveland both said they will be talking with key Republicans who might see a benefit to their own districts.
What this scumbag doesn't understand is that he ain't got enough horses TO trade.
"It's pretty clear that the (Senate) Republicans are running the show over there, and they're not used to governing," Moeller said. "I think their understanding of what is going to be involved in a revenue package is new. Educating them is going to be essential about what the project is and what it means to Southwest Washington and to the entire corridor."
As a lying scumbag, identified as such for years, no one is going to listen to this asshole blather: the more he talks, the more the GOP caucus locks up.

Here's the thing, see: there isn't going to be a package, there isn't going to be a fee or gas tax increase, they're not going to shove 695 into the shitter, and these clowns aren't getting any of this.

Why these two lying scum keep babbling about a Plan that's going nowhere is just another lying, CRC scamming load of crap.

It's so dead, it's been embalmed.  These two scum are either lying outright, or utterly delusional.

As for Tracy Eide, that slimeball doesn't live here.  Lying through her tooth about the condition of the bridge does nothing to help her union buddies out.

We liver here.  We know better.

And this detritus from Cleveland:
Cleveland and Moeller also have introduced companion legislation that would serve as a "Plan B" if a transportation package fails this year and if the transportation budget doesn't include money for the CRC. That proposal, which even sponsors say is not ideal, would place an even heavier burden on Clark County commuters to pay for the project.

The legislation would let the state borrow $450 million for the CRC project, repaid through tolling and fuel-tax revenue. CRC plans already assume up to $1.3 billion in toll revenue will go to construction. The backup bill would make the CRC even more reliant on tolls.

"We did want to ensure that we had a fall-back plan," Cleveland said.

If the proposal passes, Cleveland said, more research would be needed to figure out how much of that $450 million would be paid back with tolls, and how much with fuel tax revenue. The Senate bill is signed by 17 other Democrats, and the House bill is co-sponsored by another CRC supporter, Rep. Sharon Wylie, D-Vancouver.
Why Cleveland insists on lying (there is no back up plan: this is as dead as the original plan) musty be based on her leftists positions.

There's no fall-back; there will be no borrowing, and there will be no "Plan B.

And those two simple idiots already know that.

And Moeller's idiocy : that we have to pass this program without knowing the details?

Well, that's typical for scum like him, particularly since his only concern is what his owners tell him

But his effort to play Nanci Pelosi are going no where:
After years of public debate about the CRC, Moeller said, the differences people have about the details of the bridge must take a back seat. Now is the time to build the project that's before us instead of considering a redesign, he said.
Bullshit.  Typical leftist crap.
"What (CRC critics are) talking about is basically a delay of another generation before any bridge will be built," Moeller said. "That's unacceptable to me, because we need a new bridge. … Oregon has stepped up to the plate with its share. The federal government is there with its part. We need to step up."
 And a delay of "another generation" (or two, or three) would be just fine.

And that's the thing, you see: he doesn't care that we don't want this rip off.  He doesn't give a damn for what the people want.  He just gives a rat's ass about what HE wants, and SCREW us.

Well, guess what, Moeller: Screw YOU.

"Some say it's anyone's guess."

Some say the moon is made out of green cheese... but it ain't.

This project is dead.  Finally, irrevocably, dead.

And the vast majority of Clark County wouldn't have it any other way.

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