Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The democratian blows it on illegal aliens. So what else is new?

The rag first tells us about some pie-in-the-sky, written-by-open-border-creeps who view the laws of this land as confetti, to be ignored whenever and however they feel like it, to re-enforce the bizarre idea that this country generally and this state in particular should be a destination resort for illegal aliens.

I won't rehash all of their garbage (and it is garbage, given all the steps they deliberately overlook that could easily cause illegals to go back to wherever it is they came from) but I'll focus on some of the more utterly nonsensical turds they lay out with this nonsense.
The five guiding principles of the Washington Compact essentially are (1) immigration reform is a federal (not state) responsibility
Lie number one.

The people of this state are paying for state programs that are sucking us dry.  If, as these clowns tell us it's a "federal" issue, then why are we wasting hundreds of millions of state dollars on these criminals?

When the people of this STATE take money out of OUR pockets to pay for this garbage, then it becomes a STATE "responsibility." 
(2) local law enforcement should be left to focus on criminal activities and not federal civil violations
What "local law enforcement" should or should not do is what local populations WANT them to do.  As a rule, local populations want illegal aliens gone.  Out and off of our social programs, out of our schools, out of our jails, out of jobs that citizens can't get because they work under the table.

ALL law enforcement should, of course, enforce the laws when people are getting hurt as illegal aliens hurt us all.
(3) policies that unnecessarily separate family members should be avoided
No such policies exist.

Families are separated because the parents make the decision TO separate them, not the government.

If anyone crawls over our border to pop a kid or kids as a reason to stay here, then when they're caught and deported, they can take their anchors with them.  Voila, no separation.

Correspondingly, the bizarre idea that being born here of illegals entitles someone to citizenship should be done away with, retroactively.
(4) reform must preserve national and state economies, particularly in Washington, where agriculture interests rely so heavily on immigrant workers and
As pointed out, we have more illegal aliens here then in our history.  That agricultural jobs go un-filled is not a result of a shortage of labor, but is, instead, a result of illegals taking jobs away from citizens by being paid much less and/or under the table.. and their subsequent refusal to work as agricultural laborers at those wages.

The irony of all of this is that these morons seem to believe that allowing these slime to stay here under any circumstance would do anything to change this shortage when, in fact, it will not.

If, for an example, an illegal can make more money putting up drywall, say, then he can picking potatoes, what do you think he's going to do?

If ALL of these programs were implemented... if we had completely open borders... it would do nothing to change the agricultural worker "shortage."  Only improved wages and working conditions will do that, regardless.
(5) assimilation of immigrants into the American mainstream society should be encouraged while still respecting diversity and preserving the unique distinctions of various cultures.
Anyone here illegally has shown a contempt for our laws that is incompatible with "assimilation."

Anyone here illegally should be permanently enjoined from EVER becoming a citizen, and should be restricted from receiving any government aid of any kind, permanently.

There is no doubt that the rag, a wholly-owned fringe-left subsidiary of local democrats, wants to toe the party line on this as they do so much of the democrat agenda.

But to suggest that any of this tripe should become policy is to further cement the idea that we are some utopia for illegals, and we want them infesting us and joining with the rest of the welfare-centric democrats, taking our jobs and getting the benefits of citizenship, to include taking slots in our colleges and universities that not even citizens can get.

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