Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sniveling from the Cowlitz: Rod Van Mechelen, tribal shill

You knew it would be a matter of a short time before at least one of the Cowlitz Mafia slinked down here to lie: and it was even money it would be Rod Van Mechelen.

Like the vast majority of the Cowlitz Mafia, Van Mechelen lives nowhere close to here. In fact, he lives roughly 100 miles away from his "tribal land," and like the scammers of the CRC rip off, it's easy to shill a scam when you don't have to live with the horrific outcomes and increased costs for the community to bear for this scam.

Rod's such a drama queen, and here's his latest example:
Rod Van Mechelen ·  Top Commenter · University of Washington

The last time I predicted that the citizens of Clark County would want our casino—and the jobs it provided—The Columbian ran a series of articles proclaiming that the economy was bright. Following which we plunged into a recession that, despite claims from the federal government notwithstanding, has not ended. So here I go again: unless Andrea Rossi’s “cold fusion” reactor proves out to be real—AND that that boosts productivity enough to overcome that massive wave of inflation headed our way—the best we can hope for is a painful but short global depression. Japan could be America’s future, with endless recession. Or we might have a decade of stagflation. Or even hyperinflation. No matter what, the citizens of Clark County will continue to wish they had the Cowlitz Casino there to add jobs and business to the local economy. Meanwhile, the moneyed elite of Clark County—and the Grand Ronde—will enjoy their victory (temporary, I hope) at your expense.

Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · about an hour ago
In short, our entire planet will end because these clowns got caught trying to break the law.

Remember, pro-CRC scammers: if you have to lie to get your gig, then your gig should not be got.

Well, Rod, as someone who actually LIVES here, unlike you and the vast majority of your ilk,  I am more than ready to risk it.

We do not need the headaches, the costs, the hundreds of sub-minimum wage jobs, the exploding schools, the crushing increase in social services, and your complete lack of concern over this community.  No, you can keep that, or move it to some other location that would drink your slimy kool aid with the unfair competitive advantages your scam would represent.  That you're hustling so hard for the Mohegans (who are the ones who stand to make bank off this rip off) and the Paskentas (Who bought a big chunk of doper-boy's percentage) speaks to your motives.

The question is this:

How many more millions are the Mohegans, who are bleeding money as it is, willing to flush down your crap hole?

Meanwhile, the non-gambling, non-union slime people of this region rejoice that your little scam took a major face-shot today (permanent, I hope.)

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