Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time for a boycott: Why I will never do business at, or with, Riverview Bank: They support the CRC Rape.

You know, another way we can go about this is to boycott the businesses shilling the steaming pile that is the CRC rip off.

Take this crap, for example:
At today's forecast breakfast, keynote panelists economists Tom Potiowsky and Randy Perkins -- one a light rail supporter, the other a skeptic -- both applauded the effectiveness of local economic development efforts. The third keynote panelist, nLight CEO Scott Keeney, said that replacing the bridge is key to keeping Clark County competitive for businesses.
Why these people lie like this is beyond me.  But I'm not in a business that uses or requires this moron's products.  I just wish he'd knock off the lies.
Kim Capeloto, vice president at event co-sponsor Riverview Bank, appeared to be subtly criticizing the commissioners' decision when he said that he believes in staying engaged with groups even when they disagree on some points. "You will not see Riverview Bank back away from something we have committed to," Capeloto said. "That is what being a true community partner is about."
But THIS clown.

How about I modify this just a little bit:

"You will not see Riverview Bank admit they made a mistake."


"You will not see Riverview Bank reflect the communities we serve."


 "You will not see Riverview Bank give a rat's ass about the people of this community."

Nah.  Any of those might fit, however, given what that clown spewed today.

And if I were a commissioner, I'd contact budget and ask them:

"Does this county have any accounts or business with Riverview?

Pull them.  Do it now, or as soon as possible and move them."

Because I, for one, am not interested in doing any business with anyone who cares so little for the people of this county who stand to be raped by their plans.

I would love to have the Chamber of Horrors list all the businesses that support this scam.  I believe it's time to organize a boycott.

I am tired of getting bent over by these scum.  Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I would love to have the Chamber of Horrors list all the businesses that support this scam. I believe it's time to organize a boycott."

:) Oh, you never saw THIS? -- Jeremy
