Thursday, December 13, 2012

When the fed gets stupid.... again: no Border Patrol agents to be used as LE interpreters,

The whiny illegal alien industry complained that when the Border Patrol is used as terps for local law enforcement, they have a habit of arresting illegals when they find them.

So, what does Homeland Security do?

Why, they stop allowing local LE to use Border Patrol, most of whom having some Spanish language proficiency, as interpreters.

That, of course, will make the problem simply disappear... right?
2 hours ago  • 

U.S. Border Patrol agents will no longer serve as interpreters when local law enforcement agencies request language help, according to a new decree issued by the Department of Homeland Security.
The new guidance said agents should refer such requests to private services often used by government agencies.
Seeking language help is a common practice among local law enforcement agencies in Washington state. If a person is pulled over and can only speak Spanish, the U.S. Border Patrol is often called.
However, immigration advocates complain that Border Patrol agents ask people questions about immigration and in some cases arrest immigrants suspected of being in the country illegally.
"The concept of language access should be without people being questioned about their immigration status," said Jorge Baron, executive director of the Seattle-based Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, a legal aid organization.
Immigrants have grown apprehensive about calling local law enforcement agencies if they knew the Border Patrol is going to respond, he said.
The new Border Patrol guidance should help, even though it leaves agents some room for decision-making, he said.
The Border Patrol said Thursday it is trying to use its resources efficiently.

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