Saturday, December 15, 2012

The fringe-left screeching to take away our guns raises to a cacophony.

First, let this be a reminder to you: YOU SHOULD BE ARMED, EVERYWHERE YOU GO.


Second, much of the scum screeching the loudest have armed bodyguard; for example, this dildo:

Bloomberg: Obama Must Take 'Immediate Action' Against Guns

14 Dec 2012, 1:44 PM PDT 459 post a comment

Today, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an ardent gun control advocate, moved to politicize the monstrous school shooting in Connecticut, issuing the following statement:

With all the carnage from gun violence in our country, it’s still almost impossible to believe that a mass shooting in a kindergarten class could happen. It has come to that. Not even kindergarteners learning their A,B,Cs are safe. We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek. And now we are hearing it again. For every day we wait, 34 more people are murdered with guns. Today, many of them were five-year olds. President Obama rightly sent his heartfelt condolences to the families in Newtown. But the country needs him to send a bill to Congress to fix this problem. Calling for ‘meaningful action’ is not enough. We need immediate action. We have heard all the rhetoric before. What we have not seen is leadership – not from the White House and not from Congress. That must end today. This is a national tragedy and it demands a national response. My deepest sympathies are with the families of all those affected, and my determination to stop this madness is stronger than ever.
If Bloomberg’s deepest sympathies were with the family, he wouldn’t use this as an opportunity to get on his soapbox about gun control. We don’t know all the facts of the case yet, Connecticut has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the country, and it seems that the shooter obtained his guns legally.
And the scumbag running Boston:

Boston Mayor Menino: Time For 'National Policy on Guns'

14 Dec 2012, 1:48 PM PDT 112 post a comment

At the same time that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a statement going full bore after gun owners on the heels of the tragic school shootings in Connecticut, Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston issued a similar statement. It was just as strident and just as political:

As a parent and grandparent, I am overcome with both grief and outrage by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. This unspeakable act of violence will forever imprint this day in our hearts and minds. My heart goes out to the families impacted by this senseless tragedy and the many others we have recently witnessed across the United States. As a Mayor who has witnessed too many lives forever altered by gun violence, it is my responsibility to fight for action. Today’s tragedy reminds us that now is the time for action. Innocent children will now never attend a prom, never play in a big game, never step foot on a college campus. Now is the time for a national policy on guns that takes the loopholes out of the laws, the automatic weapons out of our neighborhoods and the tragedies like today out of our future.
There is no law on earth that can take tragedy out of our future. The guns used today were apparently semi-automatic, not automatic. And as for the loopholes in the law, there is no evidence of any loopholes exploited by the perpetrator. As mentioned, Connecticut has some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation -- which is why Menino is calling for a national gun policy, since he clearly can't blame Connecticut's gun policy. 
But all of that won’t stop the radical left from politicizing the shootings with minutes. And it hasn’t.
Well, here's my response to you two clowns:

Fuck off.  You can't have my guns.

A former colleague (In our Recon unit back in Germany) and retired Special Forces Command Sergeant Major just posted this picture on facebook a few moments ago:

The caption?

"teacher in Israel. How lucky to be in the U.S. of A."   Would this have happened if our teachers were armed?   Of course not.   And, of course, this overlooked and not even mentioned headline:.

Chinese man attacks 22 children, 1 adult with knife outside primary school

Case is the latest in a spate of school attacks in China in recent years. Min Yingjun, 36, slashed an elderly woman before zoning in on the schoolchildren, police said. No deaths have been reported.

 XINYANG, Dec. 14, 2012 (Xinhua) -- Xie Xinye, a primary school student injured in a knifeattack, receives medical treatment in hospital in Guangshan County, central China's Henan Province, Dec. 14, 2012. Twenty-two school children and a villager were injured in the knife attack which happened at the entrance of Chenpeng Village Primary School in Wenshu Township of Guangshan County on Friday morning, according to local authorities. Local police said they had seized the suspect, a 36-year-old villager named Min Yingjun. The case is under investigation.

LI BO/Xinhua /Landov

Xie Xinye, a student who was injured in Friday's knife attack.

BEIJING — A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.
The attack in the Henan province village of Chengping happened shortly before 8 a.m., said a police officer from Guangshan county, where the village is located.
The attacker, 36-year-old villager Min Yingjun, is now in police custody, said the officer, who declined to give her name, as is customary among Chinese civil servants.
A Guangshan county hospital administrator said the man first attacked an elderly woman, then students, before being subdued by security guards who have been posted across China following a spate of school attacks in recent years. He said there were no deaths among the nine students admitted, although two badly injured children had been transferred to better-equipped hospitals outside the county.
So, where's the push to register sharp objects?

These politicians are scum... the lowest of the low.

There's a great many things that COULD have been done to avoid this tragedy: arming teachers not the least of them.

I also don't give a damn that many... or even most... teachers claim they don't want to BE armed.  Don't want to be armed?

Then stop fricking teaching.  But those children are in YOUR hands when they walk through the door of the school, and today, the school let them down and let them die... because we are not doing enough to protect them.

Do you think that ANY adult caught in this slaughter wouldn't have traded their souls for a .38?

Connecticut has the strictest laws in the country when it comes to guns.  How'd that work for them?

So, here's the deal: you cannot have my guns.  Don't even think about it, and don't even try it, ESPECIALLY you hypocrites like the President, these two mayoral scum and anyone else.

Do us all a favor: don't try it.

America has, 311,591,917 people here today, based on the census.  311,591,916 of us did not slaughter a classroom fuill of kids or their parents today.

Don't try it.


Lew said...

Armed citizens have stopped more bullets from flying than any piece of paper with words written on it.

Anonymous said...

Having a "no guns allowed" sign on a public building seems criminal to me.