Sunday, November 04, 2012

Michigan Union Tyranny initiative heading for flaming defeat: another face-shot to Obama

In a scummy move that was a direct result of their crushing defeat in Wisconsin, Michigan union slime are getting crushed in their likely Unconstitutional effort to take the ability of legislatures away from the people when it comes to the massive rip off known as "collective bargaining."

It's currently being crushed in Michigan which should send a message to union slime generally and public employee union scum specifically that your days of tyranny are coming to an end.

Ballot Proposal 12-2, the "Protect Our Jobs" proposed constitutional amendment would
establish a new constitutional right for public and private sector employees to organize
and bargain collectively with employers, Invalidate existing or future state or local laws
that limit the ability to join unions and bargain collectively and override state laws that
regulate hours and conditions of employment by adding section 28 to Article I and
amending Article XI section 5 to the state Constitution. If the election was held today,
how would you vote on Proposal 12-2, the "Protect Our Jobs" amendment?

Vote yes on the "Protect Our Jobs" amendment 41.20%
Vote no on the "Protect Our Jobs" amendment 51.30%
Undecided on the "Protect Our Jobs" amendment 7.50%
This sewage would "invalidate past and future laws that limit the ability to join unions and bargain collectively and override state laws that regulate hours and conditions of employment."

The next step is to get rid of all public Employee Union collective bargaining laws that allow that kind of extortion and then get rid of public employee unions altogether.

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