Tuesday, October 02, 2012

When Marc Boldt lies.

 (FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

Yesterday in the democratian, David Madore placed an insert, on which he rightfully, accurately and truthfully called Marc Boldt out for breaking a campaign promise listed on his web site:

Madore wrote:  "raised property taxes six times in six years! 4 times to the maximum allowed by law."

Boldt, who has lied repeatedly through out his campaign for re-election, had placed the following on his own campaign web site:

This is Boldt's pledge not to raise taxes.

The democratian, writing for Boldt's campaign like he was paying them directly, and PARTICULARLY Boldt spokesman Stephanie Rice, spewed the following in response:

Boldt, seeking his third four-year term, took to Facebook to respond:

"I’m sorry to see Mr. Madore publish misleading information like he did today in the Columbian. He is becoming a consummate politician who is not giving voters all the information. He keeps sharing just enough to deliberately lead voters to believe he can instantly fix our problems. He cannot.

I share the whole picture so voters are informed, not misled. Please join me in sharing this information by sharing this posting on your Facebook wall.

For many, many years counties raised their property tax by 6 percent and then an initiative was passed to limit increases to 1% percent. That was not enough to keep up with inflation, but it was accepted that counties would increase their property tax by 1% to not fall too far behind. Remember, property taxes do not go up and down with property value in our state.

At the time initiative 601 was in place, Initiative 601 required there would be no unfunded state mandates. But the legislature got rid of 601 and forced every county to fund all of the state required mandates. Yes, that means the county does not have a choice. The state passes the laws and the county gets the bill.

As a result, we can increase the county portion of your property tax by 1% to offset the result. That 1% doesn’t begin to cover the costs. It’s only a $3 a year increase for most people. These are dollars to save our schools ... our jails. .. our courts ... our health department … social services … and much more."
First of all, he didn't "take to Facebook," he took to the democratian, since they are doing everything they possibly can to get their boy, democrat Marc Boldt, re-elected.

Secondly, there is absolutely nothing in this bogus response that indicates that Madore was wrong.

Madore alleged that Boldt raised our property taxes.

Boldt does not deny that... and he really can't, because, well, it's true.

The WHY of it is irrelevant to the FACT of it.

Boldt had promised on his web page: no more tax increases.  He lied.

Madore is showing his record.  Boldt's response?

To lie again.
As a result, we can increase the county portion of your property tax by 1% to offset the result. That 1% doesn’t begin to cover the costs. It’s only a $3 a year increase for most people. These are dollars to save our schools ... our jails. .. our courts ... our health department … social services … and much more."
Is there anyone... ANYONE... out there who has seen their property taxes only go up $3 over the past 8 years?


So, we've got four issues here: first is that Madore properly pointed out that Boldt, instead of cutting the budget enough, jacked up our property taxes.... and IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF HIS POSTED PROMISE, INCREASED OTHER TAXES AS WELL.  (Madore isn't saying that, I am.)

Second, that Madore told the truth.

Third, that the democratian is writing for Boldt like they're paid-for hookers.

And this one:

Fourth, Marc Boldt no more wrote that garbage then he can levitate.

Democrat Jack Burkman is running Boldt's campaign, and the democrats are all over it... because, well, Boldt IS a democrat.

Democrat control of Boldt's campaign shows the level that Marc has sold us out to and how far away from the GOP he has moved..

Democrats have always supported and endorsed Boldt for re-election to the commission, precisely like he has endorsed Steve Stuart ever since he was elected... even against Tom Mielke.

I sat in Marc Boldt's front office for 6 years.  Back when Boldt was actually a Republican, I corrected his campaign pieces.... and if this guy can write at the 6th Grade level, it would be astounding.

That anyone believes Marc Boldt wrote this garbage has a screw loose.  Now he has become a COMPLETE leftist puppet.... look at who is giving him money and endorsing him from the left... everyone from scumbag Tim Leave-it to Burkman (who is running his campaign) to CRC and tribal lackey Jim Irish to democrat (and Kerry Supporter) Randy Mueller to uber leftist Mike Dalesandro   and, Betty Sue Morris... Not to mention this rabid Columbian support.,.. which OUGHT to be a campaign contribution.

If Boldt was a Republican, they wouldn't be within 5 miles of him.  That he's not?

Well, that speaks for itself.

Expect them to drop a fortune in independent expenditures to keep Boldt in office.  After all, with Boldt as Commissioner, it's NEVER been about doing what he promised or even reading the GOP platform... it's always been about his leftist buddies.


Anonymous said...

I'm giv en to understand that Jim Mains is his campaign manager.....

K.J. Hinton said...

Nope. When he's not wrongfully busting my chops for working for Madore (which I do not, in any way, shape of form, do) Mains is now otherwise occupied.