Thursday, October 25, 2012

More leftist idiocy. The Qutub leftwing threat issue.

So, that fringe-left whack job who threatened Eileen Qutub, Gary Owen (same name as another whack job, but a different person) pled guilty to those threats today in court.

I disagree with the sentence, obviously, scum like that should be locked up a long time, pour les encouragement des les autre.

And his typically moronic leftist stupidity isn't the purpose of this post.

This post is to point out the utter, unbelievable garbage that his fellow whackers are saying to actually JUSTIFY what this scum bag did:

These comments are under the story and are unedited in any way:
Deborah Nichols · Top Commenter
The issue a lot women have with some of the republican women is simple. They have a right to live how they choose to live based on their belief system they do not have the right to enforce their beliefs on those of us that don't share their ideas. They seem to think they have the right to change the laws and dictate to us what how we should think and act. It does not go over well.
Reply · Like· 3 hours ago

Drew Rosa · Owner at Bees Knees Pomade
The quote was taken out of context... he goes on to say that she stands in the rights of the woman's right to choose. His the flyer he received was in context to gay marriage, and since he is gay this affected him. Granted the way he responded was out of hand, but its only because of years of oppression that his anger for the issue is what it is.

We as a nation need to stop calling the oppression of LGBTQ a party politics view. How can we stand and judge people and refuse them a simple right simply because your religion feels it is wrong. Isn't that the whole reason that the people of the eastern states left England? Religious Persecution.

Again I don't condone what Mr. Owen did, but I have some sense as to why he was so angry. I can only hope that his actions didn't do more harm to the cause than good.
Reply · Like· Follow Post · 4 hours ago
So, this sort of thing is going to be perfectly fine with the fringe left element.... and there will no doubt be additional comments supporting this moron.

Can you even begin to imagine what they'd be saying had a right wing moron threatened... say... Annette Cleveland?

This leftist 3rd World garbage is absolutely inexcusable.

On one hand, those actions are condoned and justified by some writers.

On the other, after condoning what this clown did, then they try and cover their tracks by claiming they weren't condoning it.

How... Obamaesque.


Drew Rosa (Owner of Bees Knees Pomade) said...

Just so you know, I am neither left nor right. I do not condone what Mr. Owen said, but like I said I do understand his anger. We as a nation need to stop party politics, and like I said LGBQT rights shouldn't be a party politic idea. If our nation is going to continue to grow and develop, we need to learn to compromise. Have a great day!

K.J. Hinton said...

Tell me.... in this instance, precisely where has HE "compromised?"

What does that look like?

I'm gonna take a flyer here and go out on something of a limb and suggest that in this instance, "compromise" is a euphemism for supporting your positions on this subject.

And if the requirement is that we do... or think.... what YOU want... then how, exactly, is that "compromise?"