Friday, October 05, 2012

Cantwell: More proof of her partisan hackery: Obama "did well" in the debate.

It's tough to challenge Patty Murray's position as the least intelligent member of Congress, but poll-dancing US Senator Maria Cantwell is pulling it off brilliantly.

One of the many reasons to despise political hacks of either side is because there is no lie they won't tell to get elected or re-elected.

Tim Probst, Steve Stuart, Marc Boldt, Barack Obama, Tim Leave-it and now, Maria Cantwell, who, apparently was watching some other debate than the one we all watched day before yesterday, lying to everyone by claiming that the empty suit "did well" in the debates.

Her round-heeled prediliction isn't the only reason to be embrassed that she is one of the two senators representing this State in DC.  Her genetic inability to tell the truth is another. 

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell grades President Obama's debate performance

U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell participates in an editorial board meeting with The Columbian on Thursday.
U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell participates in an editorial board meeting with The Columbian on Thursday.
You Tube

Cantwell on Obama's debate performance

That even partisan hacks like Michael Moore or Bill Maher can provide realistic assessments while our own US Senator can't?

Despicable doesn't quite cover it.  And that Cantwell would lie about this means that like so many on the left in politics, she'll lie about anything.

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