Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Weekly Laird Lies

The sun comes up in the morning.  Death.  Taxes.  More lies from the democratian.

Their resident Pit Yorkie, John Laird, has never met a leftist lie he didn't like.

Under the fake and obviously false veneer of "fairness" that the PY and his boss, Lightning Lou have deluded themselves into, they once again blast anyone to the right of Lenin by lying about what Romney said in the illegally (Laws are mere suggestions to be ignored by leftists, obviously.... what kind of felony is one party recording here in Washington State?  Nothing mentioned about THAT, eh, you little putz...) recorded speech he gave at a fund raiser.

I remember another fundraiser a few years back... the candidate in question said something like this:
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,... And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Odd that our resident Editorial Moron didn't spew this kind of garbage about THAT, isn't it?

Now, in the Pit Yorkie's world, that kind of garbage is PERFECTLY OK.  When he gets upset is when someone speaks the truth about his fringe left God.

Romney's speech was one of three things he did that week that convinced me to vote for him.  Laird's typically fringe-left response of lies, exaggerations, and falsity are the expected response of the democrat newsletter.  While the number may not be on target, I would rather have a candidate understating the obvious then a blithering idiot who couldn't even remember how high the unpatriotic debt he whined about so much as a part of his campaign (Gee, Yorkie, you'd think that if the debt Bush ran up was "unpatriotic" THEN, the debt that Empty Suited idiot has run up would be positively TREASONOUS, now.)

The minority voter will engage in rank racism in their vote, but it's racism of the approved variety.  Those as dependent on government funds that Obama are so cheerfully redistributing will oppose any threat to his largess.  Union sculls own him.  The illegal alien vote is in his pocket.  The tribes will kiss his ring every hour on the hour... and they'll do it because THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN AS LONG AS THEIR CHECK IS COMING IN.

And that's going to be the basis for their vote... the racial component where acceptable bigotry is practiced every election and the enlightened self-interests of those getting a check.

If Minority America vote's their color, tell me again why White America shouldn't do the same?  After all, this overt bigotry of low expectations sets the example, doesn't it?

And where's Laird's outrage over THAT?

Nowhere.  It's the curse of the fringe left position: the situational ethics that allows for self-delusion on a wide variety of areas from the CRC rip off to the White House.  Turning a blind eye to reality is the hallmark of the leftist.

Our people are slaughtered in Libya.  Obama and his people lie about it, claiming it was because of some flea-bag video.  And they repeated that lie over, and over, and over, and over.

Obama lies to the Hispanics... forgets the damned debt numbers of all things, and what does our resident fringe-left worm babble about?

Our people were SLAUGHTERED because of Obama's incompetence.

And what does the Pit Yorkie whine about?

Clearly, in pursuit of the fringe-left agenda, there's no lie the Laird's of the world won't spew.  And today's effort was just another example of that.

Is it any wonder, then that this clown posse supports massive leftist rip offs like the CRC and the CTran scams?

1 comment:

Jack said...

The sooner that The Columbian goes out of business the better for Clarke County.