Sunday, September 23, 2012

The absurdity of the Vancouver Chamber of Horrors.

So... another 10th of a cent in the sales tax would be "crippling," but the 2/10's they advocated just last year was swell? Does that make any sense to you?
Letter: Sales tax would be crippling to area
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I'm writing as president of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. The GVCC finds it concerning that our federal representative ties a sales tax increase to her support of light rail. U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, announced she will not support light rail if voters say "no" to increasing our sales tax. The GVCC opposes a sales tax increase. Our businesses can't afford it and it's not necessary. It is nearly twice as much as is actually needed for the operations and maintenance of light rail and several reports show there is already funding available without raising the sales tax.
Tax increases should never be used as a first choice. It should be a last resort.
We at GVCC agree with the congresswoman on many issues as she is a strong business supporter. Unfortunately, it would appear the politics of this issue has overshadowed the real question. Do we want to raise our sales tax if we don't have to?
GVCC is a strong supporter of the bridge project, which includes light rail. We think there is a better way to fund it than raising our sales tax.
Kelly Parker
Our essentially worthless congresswoman supports the CRC, supports loot rail, and supports tolls.  She supports all of those things simply because she's done absolutely nothing to stop any of them.

It's an outcome based game.

That, of course, is neither here nor there:  Just last year the Chamber of Horrors SUPPORTED the CTran rip off of a sales tax increase.  So did faux "Republican" Commissioner Marc Boldt, who did a robo call telling us that, in effect, people would be dying in the streets if that garbage... which at least 60 thousand of us were NOT allowed to vote on... but which we have to pay for.

ANY revenue stream for this rip off has to go to a vote.  The law requires it.

I suppose a "no" vote for this is better than nothing.

But Herrera shouldn't need a vote to kill this idiocy.  She should have killed it as her first priority after getting into Congress... because killinmg it... ALL of it... is the right thing to do.

That she didn't likely means she won't, regardless of the outcome of this vote.

That the Chamber of Horrors opposes it?  That's frightening.  Because they will want something to replace it, either not knowing,... or caring... that it still has to be voted on.

The Whole World Wonders.

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