Saturday, September 22, 2012

More on polls: Why would Obama's campaign manager tell us to ignore them?

I've been talking about polls the last few days... their accuracy... oversampling and it's impacts on the final numbers and how those numbers by themselves are part of campaign manipulation.

And then today, we get this from Drudge:
Slipping away? Obama campaign manager now says DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO 'NATIONAL' POLLS...

Messina: Forget The Tied National Polls, We're Winning

Says swing state dynamics favor Obama.
Image by Charles Dharapak / AP
Obama campaign manager Jim Messina told reporters on Saturday that despite national tracking polls showing the president and Romney tied, Obama is still winning.
"In all the battleground states, we continue to see all our pathways there," he told the White House pool at an Obama fundraiser in Milwaukee. "We're either tied or in the lead in every battleground state 45 days out."
Messina, who drove from Chicago to Wisconsin to be with Obama on his first trip to a state that appears to have come into play when Paul Ryan was selected to be Romney's running mate, predicted that the national polling will get even closer, but that the president's lead will hold in key swing states.
"I think you will see a tightening in the national polls going forward," he said. "What I care way more about it Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Wisconsin, etc. In those states, I feel our pathways to victory are there. There are two different campaigns, one in the battlegrounds and one everywhere else. That's why the national polls aren't relevant to this campaign."

If their guy is winning... then why would his campaign manager suggest that we should ignore these polls he's so giddy about?

Does that make sense to you?


Martin Hash said...

I also agree that the polls are worthless - but because they make the race look close. It isn't close - Obama wins.

It's simple politics - unless your helicopters burned up in the Iranian desert, or Ross Perot takes a piece of your pie, the incumbant wins. You guys got Christie coming up in an open election in 4 years - then it will be your turn.

Jack said...

Gee Martin, the nation is in the toilet and you think Obozo is going to be rewarded fo his failures with re-eleection? you're more than an "Optimist"you're delusional.