Flygare, who has admitted to lying about doing two tours in Vietnam, also apparently was lying about being a "combat veteran."
The last version said this:
Now it says:
The "Combat veteran" nonsense of a Remington Ranger.
Well, a combat veteran is someone like our own commissioner candidate, Tom Mielke who did a tour with the 82nd and got a Bronze Star for Valor..
Flygare did not complete a "tour" in Germany. Why he's lying about that remains yet another mystery in the character of why someone feels compelled to exaggerate their sense of importance by lying about what they've done to include the likely falsehood concerning his claimed Purple Heart, a Medal given to those wounded in actual combat.
File photoRoger FlygareELECTION: Roger Flygare revises details of military service
Federal Way Mirror Editor
September 25, 2012 · Updated 5:01 PM
Roger Flygare, a Democrat running for District 30 state representative, acknowledged that he made inaccurate statements about his military service.In public statements including a questionnaire for the King County Democrats as well as his own campaign website, Flygare claimed he served two tours in the Vietnam War.The issue was raised by Thom Stoddert, a retired U.S. Army veteran from Lacey. Stoddert said he looked into Flygare's credentials after meeting him at a banquet in August. When confronted on the discrepancy of his claims, Flygare's website was revised to correct the statement on serving "two tours of duty in Vietnam."Stoddert posted a story on his findings at told The Mirror that he misspoke. Flygare clarified that he served two tours of duty in the military, but only one in Vietnam. That tour lasted about a year. The other tour of duty was in Germany, he said.
Make no mistake: Flygare KNEW he was lying about both his "tour" situation in Vietnam and about being a "combat veteran" like he was an 11B instead of a Helicopter Mechanic turned Personnel Clerk.
Why do that?
Who knows? But who would want a liar and serial exaggerator in the House to represent them?
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