Saturday, September 01, 2012

General election endorsements.

Positions not mentioned have no endorsement and I will not be taking a position in those races.

Congress - Jon Haugen.

Jaime Herrera has proven herself to be the cowardly disaster I believed she would be as our congresswoman.

Her lack of guts in her ongoing failure to hold open town hall meetings, her lack of courage in taking on the CRC scam, her support of the CRC/bridge replacement/loot rail/toll scam without a county wide vote, her idiotic votes to raise the debt ceiling, these and many other actions/inactions tell me she is unsuitable for elective office... whih also likely explains her absence from the GOP Convention speaker's list.

Haugen is a democrat.  Normally, I'm loath to vote for democrats and many portray him as a whack job.  But I've got to tell you, on the local issues that matter the most (The CRC scam) he is dead on target... and dead set against it.  Odd that he assumes what should be an easy GOP position and our cowardly congresswoman doesn't.

Combine that with the fact that Bigot Democrat State Representative Jim Moeller opposes him, and my vote for him is a lock.

Herrera's lack of courage is going to cost her.  Not likely enough, but in all likelihood, this election will be much closer then it ought to have been because of her cowardice and the fact that she's as owned by the special interests as she would be if the 13th Amendment was the 13th Suggestion.

County Commissioner:  Tom Mielke.

Mielke has a proven conservative record on the most important issue confronting us, the CRC scam.  he is dead set against it... all of it.  He has been for the the entirety of his term, and when combined with his solid no votes in the face of the democrat controlled commission, his re-election should be a lock.

18th District Senate: Rivers

18th District House One: Pike

18th District House Two: Cortes

Brandon Vick has mailed it in.  He's been over-impacted by real life, unimpressive with the lobbyists and exhibited a sense of entitlement that has led from his snatch of defeat from the jaws of victory.

Combine that with Silliman's endorsement of Cortes and it's all over but the shouting.

17th District Senate: Benton

Probst has shown himself to be a lying little worm with despicable campaign efforts that fail to address the only issue that matters: Probst election likely keeps fringe-left whackers in charge of Olympia's tax and spend checkbook.

And THAT is the ONLY issue that matters.

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