Monday, August 06, 2012

So, the democratian does ANOTHER puff piece for their boy Boldt.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)  

It's not particularly surprising that the slime down at the democratian are doing all they can to drag Boldt across the line.

Sunday it was the Boger Bail out it's this garbage, a pathetic excuse to tie democrat commissioner Marc Boldt to a winning Olympic athlete.

ANY excuse to get Marc's name out there.

But this is one of the more dispicable... and, of course, it's from Rice, a wholley owned Boldt-subsidiary who has long since abandoned any pretense of fairness or facts in here "reporting."

They are, literally, terrified that their own version of Gunga Din ain't gonna make it.  Desks will be tossed, monitors thrown, phones smashed.

Next, they'll compare him with Audie Murphy.

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