Sunday, August 05, 2012

Another John Laird/pit yorkie absurdity.

Today's Lairdian stupidity:
Two types of builders — Whether you're a Republican, a Democrat or an independent, here's everything you need to know about politics and construction: If they're building stuff you like, they're entrepreneurs and job creators. If they're building stuff you don't like, they're crony capitalists and downtown mafia.
To call this idiocy "moronic" is to do a disservice to morons everywhere.

The fringe left's simplistic and inaccurate assessments are part and parcel of the self-delusion that infests their philosophy.

Here, John... let me help you with that:
Two types of builders — Whether you're a Republican, a Democrat or an independent, here's everything you need to know about politics and construction: If they're building stuff THEY PAID FOR OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS, they're entrepreneurs and job creators. If they're building stuff BY STEALING FROM US WITHOUT ASKING, they're crony capitalists and downtown mafia.
Laird damned well knows this, but being the scummy little worm he is, representing the special interest thieves as he does, and being a mouthpiece for the downtown mafia types infesting our community as he is, he manages to leave the TRUE definitions out.

There's a major difference between, say, Mel Aho building an office building with his own (or the bank's) money and the scum like Laird, Boldt, Stuart, Leave-it and that sort who are allowing themselves to be ripped off and forcing us to pay... without asking... for the privilege.

There's a reason Laird lacked the guts to write the truth.  But then, finding the truth and anyone connected to the democratian in the same space simultaneously happens with the frequency of discovering oil in one's own back yard.

Over the years, we've come to expect these kinds of lies from them... and, once again, Laird didn't disappoint.

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