Saturday, July 07, 2012

So, why's the democratian playing nice with Boger?

You remember it, don't you?

Brent Boger ran against Tony Golik for County Prosecutor.  And Lou Brancaccio went on a Brent Boger jihad.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Brancaccio: bloodied AND bowed.

A few days ago, Bully Brancaccio was gearing up to do the same thing to Brent Boger that he did to me: attempt to assassinate his character and attempt to injure him personally.

Up until now, Brancaccio has been able to get away with his playground bullshit. But because that punk came after me, people had a foretaste of what was ahead for Boger, and they wanted none of it.

When I saw where Brancaccio had backed down, I had a cartoon vision of his body with a gong for a head, vibrating while Craig, Pat and Betty Sue took turns banging it.

Others, no doubt behind the scenes, took Brancaccio to task for beating on Boger. They rightfully pointed out that the Boger's and, God Help Us, even the slimeballs like Golik are the reason our democracy exists.

For the first time since he fell off the back of the turnip truck to our great misfortune, it appears that Brancaccio finally... FINALLY, has been held accountable for both what he has said... and for what he was going to say.

Editors of papers have a duty of even-handedness. They have a duty to be responsive to the community. They have neither the duty nor the ability to force the community to accept their vision and their agenda as superior to that of the people.

So, what happened? Bully Brancaccio was forced to retract. He was forced to apologize. He was forced to acknowledge that he was wrong; a state he frequently finds himself in, but one he has admitted to about as often as the passage of Haley's Comet.

There's more, of course.  And I never really understood why Brancaccio hates Boger so much or wore out so many sets of knee pads to get Golik elected.... except as a favor to his fellow leftist.

So imagine my surprise when I caught this:
Cheers: To Washougal resident Brent Boger, who was appointed this week to the Washougal City Council. This appears to be a win-win for Boger, who ran a hard-fought but ultimately unsuccessful campaign last year for Clark County prosecutor, and what has been until recently a contentious group that was prone to make missteps with public money and policy. Boger brings to his new position a rich background as a senior assistant city attorney for Vancouver and service as an officer in the county Republican party. It seems likely that his insight, along with that contributed by other new faces around City Hall, will serve Washougal well over the next few years.
Odd that when these same clowns wanted Golik so bad, they couldn't write like this about Boger.

Wonder why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know where there is fire, there is smoldering ashes waiting to spring up. I bet there is a story behind that story. It is just waiting for someone to run their mouth... -- Jeremy