Saturday, July 21, 2012

So, Brandon Vick, where are you on the CRC?

Brandon's finally got a web site up that says more than "donate."  But while the "issues" section contains a lot of words, it really doesn't say anything.

Its got a lot of verbiage with no specifics that both sides use.  But what's missing?

Not one word about the CRC scam or transportation.  Not one word about the Cowlitz Megacasino scam (You know, the one his buddy Rob McKenna supports?  That one?)


Nothing about the bridge rip off.  Nothing about tolls.  Nothing about loot rail.

Now.... why is that?

Readers know what I think of candidates who run away from the big issues.  And from the perspective of local representation, there is no bigger issue confronting the people of this district then the biggest scam in the history of the United States (Well, with the exception of Obama getting elected) and our Republican candidate doesn't have a position staked out on it?  Doesn't even MENTION it?

The number one character trait of my representation must be courage.

The courage of your convictions.

That's followed by competence: you've got to at least have common sense.

So, the question goes back to this:  Why doesn't Brandon Vick talk about his position on the CRC scam?

Is it because he's afraid to?

Or is it because he forgot to?

Either way...

Right or wrong, up or down, anyone running for office in this area owes his or her constituents a snap shot of their positions on ALL of the issues confronting us... and not just the ones he or she is comfortable with.

Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

He is wherever you want him to be. He can only function if someone pulls his marionette strings. He'll fit right in in Olympia with the rest of the repubs in the house.

K.J. Hinton said...

Odd that you would think that such an approach is party-specific... you know, like the unions don't own the democrats, for example, or that the gays don't ride Moeller.