Sunday, July 15, 2012

Obama insanity: 'If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen'

Memo to Barack Obama, President of the United States:

Dear Sir,

I've got a business.  Had one for a little over 8 years now.

No one built it but me.

I can say that because I am it.  Period.  I am a one man band.  I'm self-employed.  No one works for me.  I make all the decisions, pay all the bills, struggle with the impacts of your economic misfeasance and incompetence, and manage to muddle through on roughly 54% less then I was making in income on your inauguration.

For YOU to tell ME that SOMEONE ELSE built this?  That someone else works until 3:00 a.m. some nights, that SOMEONE ELSE is paying my quarterlies, my business and occupation taxes... and that someone isn't me?

Besides being a liar, you're an idiot. 

There's no justification for ripping me off to distribute my money and assets to your union slime whom I owe absolutely nothing.  I've done a stretch of being poor.  I'm a product of the welfare state.  I've been homeless.  And now that I am no longer (No thanks to you or any of your fringe left buddies), you seek to take away from me to give to YOUR friends?

I'm always available for questions.  Feel free to email or call... I'm sure Homeland Security has my number.

K.J. Hinton
Clark County Politics


Martin Hash said...

I don't know what specific Obama speech you're referring to but the "I made my business" claim is certainly a flashpoint. I'll use the military as an example:

Even if the 1% had all their sons & daughters in the military, that wouldn't do it - the 99% is essential to maintaining strength. The 99% defend the 1% interests. The 1% can claim how they built the country, and they do everything, and they deserve their privileged status BUT if the 99% walk away - it's over dude.

Same with business.

K.J. Hinton said...

Specific speech:

Martin, forgive me, but that's an apples and oranges comparison.

I, for example, bought this house; other people built it. Like teachers and every other one of Obama's rabid political allies, I purchased their labor and products for a fixed, agreed on price.

I pay a mortgage at a contract rate until it's paid off.

I don't pay for ever-increasing, unrealistic and outrageous payroll demands under the bizarre concept that *I* didn't build it.

*I* came up with the money. *I* am taking the risk on my side, the credit union on the other.

There is no legal right for those I'm paying for this house to suddenly demand MORE money from me (It's a fixed rate) because *I* didn't build it.

The idea that businesses somehow, magically, build themselves because I attended public schools, for example, is bizarre.

Prisons, for example, are filled with people who attended public schools, and if I owe them for their role in developing me for business, then they owe us for their role in developing those who are in prison.

Except, of course, they don't.

Teachers worked and provided what I call, rather euphemistically, a service. But as a high school drop out who was told in high school to "forget about ever going to college," my perspective is, and will remain that those who can do... those who can't... teach.

That I somehow continue to owe those people, who were paid for the damage they inflicted on me because I'm working myself into an early grave?

Sorry. Not so much. And it takes someone with a level of not only plain, run of the mill socialism running their twisted thought processes to put anything like that into policy, it takes a fricking neo-communist to actually get there.

Unlike Obama, as a white, hetero male, I was not afforded any of Obama's affirmative action advantages. So, I disagree with him completely... I'I didn't start my business because anyone came to me and said, "hey, you need to start a business. Here's everything you need to make that happen, just push a button and start."

That's not how it worked for me. And, unless you're GM bolstered with tens of billions of OUR money for THEIR profits, that's not how it works for anyone else.

It was a stupid thing for that idiot to say. And, as I said, he can always call me so I can explain it to him like he's a 6 year old to get him to understand it.

Martin Hash said...

Okay, I listened to that Obama speech.

I stand by my previous analogy but I'll defend further. Mortgages didn't invent themselves; houses didn't build themselves; materials didn't transport themselves. Without the support mechanism that society provides, none of the things you have would be possible.

I'll stop there because Marxists take the next step of claiming that you OWE because of these things. No, you don't OWE anybody other than the people you contracted with, but ultimately it was Government that made it all possible.

Gr8mochas said...

Martin I understand about support networks but support networks don't build businesses anymore than forks and spoons eat meals. My business was conceived out of my vision, my hard work and long hours of personal effort to make it successful. No one did it for me. The support network was around, but it did not build my business. I did. I purchased services from others, i paid for my education and. I paid for the licensing that the government says I must have to do my job. If it were not for my initiative the support network is like so much flotsam. It takes talent and brains to take the ingredients and form them into a functioning business...the ingredients didnt do it for me. As you probably know, 8 out of 10 new businesses it isnt about the support network.

Gr8mochas said...

Martin I understand about support networks but support networks don't build businesses anymore than forks and spoons eat meals. My business was conceived out of my vision, my hard work and long hours of personal effort to make it successful. No one did it for me. The support network was around, but it did not build my business. I did. I purchased services from others, i paid for my education and. I paid for the licensing that the government says I must have to do my job. If it were not for my initiative the support network is like so much flotsam. It takes talent and brains to take the ingredients and form them into a functioning business...the ingredients didnt do it for me. As you probably know, 8 out of 10 new businesses it isnt about the support network.

Martin Hash said...

Kriss, I feel the same pride about my business.

Many Democrats are resentful of pride - Obama was playing into that. I don't like it but the season of politics is upon us.

Gr8mochas said...

Thanks for the clarification Martin. :)