Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another of the many reasons to dispise McKenna: he disagrees with Scout policy on gays.

As the campaign continues and RINO Rob moves to Inslee's left, yet another reason to despise him surfaces:  He wants gays in the Scouts.

Or, in other words, the morality and integrity of the Scouts is meaningless to him.

This is just another in the series of hard left positions McKenna revels in... and why I wouldn't vote for him to be dog catcher; because, right or wrong, that policy is none of his fricking business; no one cares what he thinks about the issue, and if he doesn't like it, that's tough.

Ultimately, this is the same kind of garbage spewing out of Obama's White House that let's them try and force the Catholic Church to violate the tenets of their religion and force birth control down people's throats.

God, I hate a pandering slimeball.

McKenna disagrees with Scout policy excluding gays

A spokesman for Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna said Thursday that the attorney general, who is also an Eagle Scout, disagrees with the Boy Scouts' recent reaffirmation of its national policy to exclude gays from its ranks.

McKenna, who currently serves on the Chief Seattle Council of the Boy Scouts of America, has had some initial conversations with other Boy Scout volunteers in the state on how "at least locally, the leaders out here could encourage the national organization to reconsider the national policy," said campaign spokesman Charles McCray.

"It's something that is on his radar," he said.

McKenna's Democratic opponent, former U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee, also said he was disappointed with the Scouts' decision, which was announced Tuesday.

"Our state and our country has moved ahead rapidly with eliminating discrimination," Inslee said Wednesday during a meeting with the Olympia political press corps. "We've done it in the military, we've done it in education, and we ought to be able to do that in the Scouts, as well. So I'm hopeful this will be revisited as soon as possible."

An 11-member special committee, formed by top Scout leaders two years ago, came to the conclusion that the exclusion policy _ which applies to both adult leaders and Scouts _ "is absolutely the best policy" for the 102-year-old organization.

s a result of Tuesday's decision, the Scouts' national executive board will take no further action on a resolution submitted at its recent national conference asking for reconsideration of the membership policy

The principles of government that I admire do not involve this kind of left-wing government garbage.


Martin Hash said...

The Scouts have almost lost their organization a few times due to child sexual abuse charges. Speaking as an attorney, they're damned if they do, and get demagogued if they don't. Rob McKenna is indeed a slimeball.

Lew said...

What part of "On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight" does "eagle Scout" Rob McKenna not recall?

Funnier yet, I put it up on some facebook pages and the McKennabots are actually justifying it.

Who knew striving to protect children from sexual predators was "bigotry?"