Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Since the Paulbot running for PCO in the 6-20 can't speak for himself, some anonymous Paulistinian has to do it for him.

Clearly, the Paulbot thought police are working overtime.

A Ron Paul supporter who lives in the real world swung by and left this comment.
You and I have spoken a few different times about Ron Paul, most recently at the county convention. You know that I am a Paul supporter and a reasonable one at that. Using a common sense approach with all the issues. I can't help to agree that some of these people have taken things way to far. They will have "Zero" influence at the National Convention. They will continue to make Ron Paul look like a cult leader. But mostly they can't admit they lost. Get over it people. I am ashamed to even be associated with many of them.
Well, Paulbots don't take too kindly to their worker bees leaving the plantation, so this was a response from a Paulbot Master:
Anonymous said...

Dave, I'm not sure in what capacity you are associated with the Ron Paul people in question, but I have a hard time blaming them for wanting to have a say in the process, and in their own governance. You seem to suggest that anyone whose candidate doesn't win should just shut up and pay his taxes without speaking again. How very establishment Republican of you.

Ron Paul supporters have a right to not only be in the Republican party, but to influence it however they can, including at the national convention, just like the author of this blog has a right to spout his opinion into the void all he wants. Hopefully, the people from this man's precinct are reading his opinions and voting accordingly. The fact that three others decided to join him on the ballot shows that perhaps he doesn't inspire the confidence as a PCO that one might hope for. No doubt, he and you would rather those three just stayed out of it, accept defeat, etc. but I support their right to speak out and seek a voice in the process. I look forward to working with whomever emerges from that race, and here is a novel thought: perhaps the winner should also seek the opinions of the losers who obviously still want to be politically active.

On some level, I realize that Kelly is looking for the back-and-forth arguing that he and his friend Lew seem to crave. I don't think anyone in their right mind who reads these two would conclude that they are mature and reasonable adults. If I were running against Kelly, I would simply show his neighbors this blog. That would probably make it a three-person race rather quickly.
I love the meme.  I'M looking for "back and forth arguing," yet here's Mr. Anonymous.

It's so... Third Reich... So... Stalinist.... so.... Paulbot.

My response?

First of all, I don't need to know anything about Paul besides the fact that he voted for gender-based abortion.  I don't NEED to know anything besides that.

By all means. I stand by what I write, and don't do that "anonymous" thing so favored by so many... like you.

And your comment goes to the heart of the matter.

I don't speak for Lew or Dave. But the way this works is this: I comment on issues that interest me. Some others come by to express support or opposition or ask questions.

When death threats and that sort of thing are involved, I typically just delete those.

But just about every other comment gets put up here so that first, readers can see that I don't fear other perspectives and second, as in the case of you and your fellow Paulbots, I can rip their arrogant, narcissistic whining to shreds.

So, here we go:
It doesn't matter what Dave's "capacity" is, he agrees with reality. You don't. So you question his motives and positions because he's left the plantation.

You people are an indictment of everything you stand for... it's kind of that "think like I think, or else" nonsense.

In fact YOU clowns are guilty of the very same charges you level against everyone wise enough to oppose you:

How very Paulbot of you.

See, hypocrisy really isn't all that great an attractant, anyone reading your garbage would likely conclude that any cult that emulates the early Soviet efforts to social engineer is not going to be all that attractive.

No one, of course, suggested that you morons don't have the "right" to be in the GOP, just like I have the right to inform everyone walking upright about the sickness your sort represents. Fair's fair, after all, and in this instance, what YOU want is the ability to only put forward YOUR perspectives because, in your stilted world, no one else's matters.
Oddly, if my meager effort here is so unimportant... then why are YOU blathering here?
And when you have no influence at the convention... or anywhere else... and you refuse to vote for Romney as so many of your sort have publicly claimed they will not do... what kind of "influence" do you expect to have in the GOP when your efforts are designed to damage it... weaken it... so you clowns can "wrest control" of it, driving every normal thinking person out of it?

Sadly for you, the people of my precinct (Which, of course, you're not) are well aware of this blog... I've talked to many of them about it, after all, and they ARE "voting accordingly." That is, they're voting for me.

It never ceases to amaze me about how you Paulbots want to put words and thoughts into the mouths and heads of others, and somehow presume to speak for those wise enough to oppose your Twilight Zone views.

Contrary to your bizarre view, however, your local Paulbot's forlorn and ultimately unsuccessful effort (as so many of your efforts will be, by the way) here provides me with yet another opportunity to squash a Paulbot like a bug. And who wants to pass on that? So, while I appreciate your sentiment, it's like so many other positions, thoughts and conclusions you labor under:


This winner/loser thing is totally out in left field. No one constrains or restricts the loser's right to speak their minds. The problem is that you've got to have a mind TO speak, and you're showing that to be one of the innate weaknesses of the average Paulistinian.

On some level, as is typical, you are flat wrong.

I put out a point of view, a perspective, a factoid that most others don't have. Then I defend it from clowns like you, who presume to know so much more and better, WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE.

See, you always have the option of not reading me if it bothers you so much. No one demands that you come here to be embarrassed and humiliated. That's a hobby you've taken on voluntarily.

If your local Paulbot was all that, HE would be the one doing the talking instead of being one of your sock-puppets.

But here you are... whoever you are (anonymous is so typical of the attacks your sort provide) instead. I guess he's just not all that endowed with the courage of HIS convictions as much as he must be of yours.

"I don't think anyone in their right mind who reads these two would conclude that they are mature and reasonable adults"

As opposed to the maturity and responsibility expressed by you slimeballs in the attacks against Lew Waters on the Columbian?  Where's your condemnation of THOSE slime?

Damn, dude. Whoever you are, you take "rank hypocrite" to a new level.

"If I were running against Kelly, I would simply show his neighbors this blog. That would probably make it a three-person race rather quickly."

Why on earth would you want to toss out the Paulbot running here so fast? I mean, I'm going to crush him in the vote, but you'd speed up the process by directing the people of this precinct where, again YOU obviously don't live, to find out a few of this guy's secrets... like he's a Paulbot... GUARANTEEING his overwhelming defeat?

You people aren't too smart, are you?

See, here's the main political difference between us:

I tell people TO think:

You tell people WHAT to think.

And if they don't think like YOU want... then you trash them, even when they're supporters like Dave... because they don't agree 1000% with you.

Gee. It's almost like you're a democrat. Whoever you are.

It's just a shame that your Paulbot lackey can't speak for himself.

Because no one speaks for me, BUT me. And everyone knows who I am...

Unlike you.

Thanks for playing, and we have some lovely parting gifts.

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