Sunday, May 06, 2012

When the scum known as John Laird, just, well, lies.

(Full disclosure: Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law and I worked for him for the better part of 6 years as his legislative assistant.)

I was busy earlier today, so I missed Laird's effort at rehabilitating and campaigning for political turn coat extraordinaire Marc Boldt with this pathetic lie:

First, a response to a total scumbag while wondering why Laird and Brancaccio insist they're not "...fringe-leftist hypocrites who would sell their own children to get democrats elected."

In the post below, a study was published that showed rather conclusively that liberals are ignorant, more poorly informed and less tolerant.

This rotten spew from John Laird is a textbook example of a liar... one who either lies through his own ignorance, or lies through his efforts to deliberately misinform.
Don’t ban me, Bro — As of Saturday, Republican County Commissioner Marc Boldt still was not listed among “Officeholders” on the Clark County Republican Party’s website ( Local GOP pooh-bahs are still pouting after Maverick Marc dared to serve his constituents instead of his party. Funny thing, though, the website still lists The Columbian among “News Sources.” Hey, reckon this means they like The Columbian more than a Republican county commissioner?
The Problem, of course, is that Boldt ISN'T "serving his constituents." 

If he were, then none of this would be happening.

The problem, of course, is that Boldt's constituents are not supposed to consist of the scum Laird supports... the downtown Mafia... the Chamber of Horrors... CRUDEC... the unions who will suck our economic lifeblood dry for their own benefit while they extort life-long tolls from 65000 plus commuters... their families... and the small businesses who depend on that income that will be redirected into the pockets of those same special interests while Boldt, Laird, Brancaccio, Stuart and Leavitt won't have to pay the same tolls they're jamming down our throats... the man who ran on a campaign wherein he promised not to raise our taxes... though he has repeatedly... a man who voted to gerrymander the CTran tax district to eliminate tens of thousands of voters from voting no... but not from paying the tax... a man who promised me... to my face... to hold a countywide advisory vote on the CRC scam, lying all the time.

Laird, a pogue from the same newspaper which has, in the past, demanded Boldt's resignation, mentions none of that.  He claims that Boldt is "serving his constituents."

That, of course, is a lie.  And Laird, one of those ignorant, uninformed leftists the article mentions, knows it.

Hopefully, those running the web site will be smart enough to remove any mention of your despicable waste of wood pulp.

What's unfortunate is that our party leadership lacks the testicular fortitude to call Laird's lying ass out... and refuse to ever respond to the Columbian again.

That's what they need to do.  But no one their seems to have the courage to do it.

And that's a pity.

As for those hoping that Boldt gets rid of the GOP?

Nothing would make most of us happier.

Clearly, Boldt doesn't give a damn about us, having used the GOP as a tool to get elected... and then to cast that same organization aside as if it didn't exist... precisely like he has Tom Mielke.

He's doesn't need us... hasn't even read the platform... so why on earth would we need him?

And the Columbian's ongoing effort to portray Boldt as some sort of victim?

That's the same as portraying a bank robber a victim of his own robbery.

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