Friday, May 11, 2012

The Shark glides in and takes a bite out of Obama:

National News
by Stefan Sharkansky, 07:46 PM
President Solyndra O'Foodstamp brought his traffic-scrambling entourage into Seattle today for a $35,000 brunch with the 99% and a $1,000 per ticket Dave Matthews concert for the other 99% of the 99%.

The Seattle Times was all giddy over the President's support for gay rights, which he refused to support (publicly) until yesterday, and his support for "women's rights to make [other people pay for] their own health-care decisions."

Left out of the Times article is the President's admission that "Sometimes I forget" about the magnitude of the recession.

In all fairness to President Spread-the-Wealth-Around, it's only human to forget how tough times are if one's family gets to enjoy millions of dollars worth of vacations around the globe at other people's expense.

For me, it's a great deal more than "sometimes."

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