Saturday, May 12, 2012

For those who wonder where Probst is at on the horrific waste of money known as the bridge/loot rail/tolls scam, wonder no more.

Of course the democratian would lead off with the leftist endorsements... but here are those they trumpeted for Tim Probst... and you can tell a lot by who's on board:
Probst let it be known on Friday that he had been endorsed by a Southwest Washington group of business leaders, including:
  • Tim Schauer (MacKay & Sposito)
  • Eric Fuller (Eric Fuller & Associates Inc.)
  • Kim Capeloto (Riverview Bank)
  • Don Russo (Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt legal firm)
  • Ed Lynch (formerly of Kiewit Pacific Co.)
  • Jamie Howsley (Building Industry Association, land use attorney)
  • Arch Miller (Bank of Clark County, International Air and Hospitality Academy)
  • Dellan Redjou (Smokey’s Pizza)
  • Kris Greene (Evergeen School District Foundation, insurance agent)
  • Victoria Bradfore (Evergreen School Board)
  • Bob Schaefer (attorney for SEH America)
  • Steve Horenstein (Horenstein Law Group PLLC)
  • John White (JD White Co.)
  • John McKibbin (former president of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and a former three-term Clark County commissioner)
  • Rick Keniston (Washington State Department of Transportation)
  • Scott Horenstein (Scott Horenstein Law Firm)
  • Dave Bennet (Rebound Orthopedics and Neurosurgery)
So, from this, we can tell that Probst is pro-bridge, pro-loot rail, pro-tolls and, of course, pro-mega casino... or Horenstein wouldn't have come within 10 miles of him.

In short, everyone of the downtown mafia who wants to screw us for decades as signed on with Probst.

Now.  Besides the fact that Probst's election would strengthen the position of the tax and spenders and social engineers (Mo matter what scam he runs on HIS positions, his election as a democrat MIGHT as well make him Jim Moeller.)

So, everyone who commutes to Portland and wants to get screwed by Probst?

Raise your hands.

Didn't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a minor note. JD White sold his company to BergerABAM.. So he's either a partner with them or I think he might have retired, though I could be wrong with that. So it should be JD White/BergerABAM... --Jeremy