When the CRC project started, there were many options evaluated to meet the federal requirement that mass transit be part of the project if federal money was involved. At that time there were several options that could possibly meet that need.

Buses running in the traffic lanes didn't meet the mass transit need over the long term. If they ran in their own dedicated lanes, they might meet that need. Bus Rapid Transit carries more people and is less costly to operate and also requires its own lanes. Light rail is less expensive than BRT to operate and carries even more people. That makes LRT the best, long term option, especially from an environmental impact perspective which is a key piece of the environmental impact analysis. Remember that the federal evaluation of the CRC project looks at the long term benefits and impacts.
Over the years, yes years, the project advanced and options were evaluated. Since 2005 there have been more than 1,000 public meetings reaching over 30,000 people. Many of these dealt in one way or another with this mass transit issue. The federal process requires this kind of outreach.

Ultimately light rail was chosen as the Locally Preferred Alternative and fully evaluated within the federally required Environmental Impact Statement. That federal document, the FEIS, was approved by multiple agencies in Washington and Oregon – a requirement of the federal government. After evaluation of that process and document, the federal government issued their Record of Decision (ROD) documenting approval of the process and document, allowing the project to move forward and request federal funding.

If light rail were removed, the federal government would most certainly care! There would no longer be support from all the agencies – required by the Federal Government. To change from light rail to bus rapid transit or buses in their own lane would necessitate redoing that intensive public process. We would need to show why we were not choosing the most efficient and effective solution.

Simply stated, we would effectively have to start CRC over. The idea that pulling light rail is a ‘little change’ is not supported by the facts, only by wishful thinking.