Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Boldt's problem: after ignoring Mielke on the commission for three-plus years and then trashing him in the press...

Marc Boldt desperately wants Mielke to stay out of the Boldt-Madore race.

But I've got to tell you, if I was Mielke, I'd be all over it.

Marc Boldt was opposed to Tom Mielke being elected from the beginning... and he stayed that way.

He endorsed Steve Stuart when Mielke ran against him.  While there is no excuse for that, Boldt certainly TRIED to excuse it... to the local GOP Executive Board which resulted  in the local democrat daily painting Boldt as "victim."

And, in addition, trashing Mielke in the media with this garbage: 
If he and Stuart didn’t work out compromises, he said, “We’d never get anything done.”
The problem with that lie, of course, is that Marc's observation would only be true if there were 2 commissioners on the Board.  But here, there is a 3rd.  And the third commissioner means that Marc NEVER had to compromise his principles and integrity to democrat Stuart.  And, of course, since he didn't HAVE to, that means he WANTED to.

But this is a glimpse into Marc's mind... and in Marc's mind, Mielke doesn't exist as a county commissioner.

So, for the past 3 plus years, Boldt has been ignoring Mielke... both in the commission, and on the CTran board.

The way he's been ignoring Mielke on CTran is by failing to provide Mielke with a second to any of Mielke's multiple motions to bring CTran under control.

The reason he failed to ever second any of Melke's motions on the CTran board is the same reason he failed to typically second his motions on the commission: he didn't want his leftist positions formalized on the record.

And NOW, having crapped all over Tom, Marc Boldt wants to make nice and ask Tom to stay out of this?

Maybe Tom will.

But I won't.

(Full disclosure: Marc Boldt is my brother-in-law and I was his Legislative Assistant for almost 6 years.)

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