Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Santorum. What's it all mean?

First, oddly enough, money can't buy everything.

Romney has all the money.  He can write checks for whatever he needs.

Santorum hasn't got a pot to whiz in or a window to throw it out of, relatively speaking.

Paul is wasting his time.

Second, we cannot win by out-democrating the democrats.

It is difficult to impossible for me to support someone who seems driven by political opportunism... a chameleon-like performance, someone who seems to have become what he needed to become to be elected to governor, and then has changed as much as he's need to to become the GOP nominee as conditions merit... and not as principle dictates.

Many, if not most of Romney's positions used to be democrat: pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-government, (Romneycare), pro GOP establishment...

Those positions will not get it done.

So, what's Romney do?

He flips.

I'm not wild about any of these guys, but I want someone besides Paul who won't change their positions to get elected.

That's what we've got now in Obama.

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

Republicans, and Conservatives in general, have drawn the battle line to far from the front. They should stop alienating Liberals while going HARD against the Marxists.

Gay marriage, foreign wars, taxes, and school prayer are pissant issues when compared to what the Marxists threaten - which is the concept of "liberty" itself.